Outdoor Learning Homework
This week the whole school has been given Outdoor Learning homework. Pupils were provided a paper copy of the sheet below. Pupils have been encouraged to try one or two activities. If you would like additional homework, pupils could practise their numeracy skills on Sumdog or access Topmarks.co.uk for a variety of educational games.
Here are just some of the things P2b got up to:
Amelia “My daddy and I did Star gazing, I think we saw a shooting star”.
Ioan “I was planting seeds with my parents”.
Lachlan “I drew a picture of a flower”.
Jakson “I have been looking at the stars and finding out about the planets”
Sophia “I was drawing little daisies”.
Victoria “I did shadow shapes, I made different shapes using things from around your house”.
Isla made a map of the streets near our school and made rock animals.
Additionally Primary 2 are encouraged to practise their lines and songs for the Nativity, Hoity Toity Angel. Tickets also went on sale on Thursday 29th, available through parent pay.
P2B Enterprise
Primary 2 have designed their own christmas baubles and will be selling them tomorrow £1 at the Christmas Fayre. We will be there at 1:30pm.