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S2 Tracking survey

A reminder to all S2 pupils that they should have completed their S2 tracking survey.

For this most recent report, we have asked pupils to lead a discussion regarding their reports with their parent / carer and complete their online survey at home using the link and QR code on the letter attached to the school report.  This letter has also been emailed to parents. Following completion of the survey your son / daughter will meet with their Pastoral Support Teacher to discuss their current levels of progress and what target should be set for the next reporting period.  Pupils should speak to their pastoral support teacher if they have any problems accessing the survey.  Pupils should have completed this by Tuesday 29th January. Thank you to all those who have completed the survey.  Anyone who hasn’t must do so before Thursday 31st January where they will meet with their Pastoral support teacher in PSHE.

Health and Wellbeing

Some of our S2 pupils have been working very hard alongside S6 pupils to develop and make a video about the 5 Ways to Wellbeing. The project has been led by the pupils and required them to use their creativity and acting skills.  It will be a promotional film highlighting the excellent work that takes place in the school to promote Health and Wellbeing and will be used in PSHE and at assemblies in the near future.

S2 Information evening

Many thanks to all the pupils, parents and staff who came along to support the S2 Information evening on Thursday 8th November. 

Please follow the links to the presentations and workshops that were delivered on the evening.

S2 Information evening



S2 Art&Design


S2 Chemistry

S2 Computing

S2 Design and Manufacture

S2 Drama

s2 Geography

S2 Graphic Communications


S2 Hospitality

S2 Modern Languages

S2 Modern Studies

S2 Music

S2 Physics



Welcome to all S2 pupils, parents and staff to this website.  Over the coming weeks and months we will populate this and use it as a way of communicating news, information and achievements that relates to the S2 Year Group.

We would like to celebrate all of your achievements.  To help us do this, please keep us updated using the Celebrating Achievement icon on the right hand side of the website.  We will then include these on the website and at our assemblies.