What we’ve been up to recently!

2b Class Blog

This term Primary 2 have started many new things and practised lots of new skills. Our interdisciplinary theme across learning is the Rainforest, this will shortly change to a Winter theme as we approach the holidays. These topics will pervade much of the children’s learning; however there are skills to be learned across the curriculum. 2b have identified some of these below.

Health & Wellbeing

Finlay, Ava, Harry and Zaynah told us that we have been learning about why we brush our teeth and what happens if we don’t. We have also been learning about being Safe, Achieving and Active. In P.E we have had the football coach teach us to dribble and pass. The football coach will be with us until December, we’ll practise control, shooting and lots of games.


James, Lucy, Megan and Heather said we have been learning more about materials and why we choose certain materials. We looked at a house to see lots of different materials being used. We will conduct an experiment on waterproof materials.

Social Studies

Lara, Angus, Jessica and Cory said that in Social Studies we have been learning about different layers of the rainforest and the different animals that live in each layer. We will compare these animals to animals in other climate zones.

Expressive Arts

Jessica said that in Art we have been learning about how to make colours lighter by adding white.

During Drama we have taken on different roles by acting as different layers and rainforest animals. We will continue to develop this to produce a nature documentary. We will be developing our skills in performing during the Nativity practices and performance.


Olivia Lee, Olivia Park and Alesha said that in ICT we have used Code.org to practice directions and drawing with loops. We have also been using PowerPoint to create a rainforest presentation. We will be using the internet to research and find images to enhance our PowerPoint presentation.


Christopher, Abigail, Ahmed and Rory told us that we have been learning how to say who is in our family in French. Also, we can have short conversations with hello, how are you, what is your name in French. We will become more confident in speaking and learning more about food in French.


Cory, Harriet and Brandon said that we have been reading about Harvest and why it is important to Christians. We will continue to look at the school values and friendship.


Harriet, Rosa and Niamh said that we are learning about the skill of describing characters such as The White Witch, Mr Tumnus and The Gruffalo. We will start instructional writing soon.


In Primary 2 we love sharing achievements, and things that we’re proud of both in and out of school. Over the weeks we have seen medals and certificate as well as pictures and tales of sporting achievements. Here’s a few the children wanted to share.

Ahmed was proud of being able to order numbers up to 100.

Rory and Angus were delighted to get Star Pupil recently.

We have all been sharing some very funny jokes and lots of laughs.

Jude did a rolly poly in swimming and won our class Joke competition!

Lara has been practising skipping forwards and backward without doing little jumps.