Term 1 Skills and Awesome Achievements

This term Primary 2 have already started many new things and practiced lots of new skills. Our interdisciplinary theme across learning is the Rainforest. This will pervade much of the children’s learning in Term 1 however there are skills to be learned across the curriculum. 2b have identified some of these below.

Health & Wellbeing

Olivia Lee, Megan and Lucy said that in PE we have been doing exercises like squats to keep us athletic, fit, healthy and strong.

Throughout the week we use Go Noodle or run our Daily Mile to stay active.

During Health lessons in class we have been learning about Growth Mindset which means to keep on practising. We will stay healthy by learning more about tooth brushing and healthy eating.


Ava, Olivia Park and Jessica said that in Science we have been exploring Space through Newsround, it told us about planets and the Solar Eclipse. We have been identifying different materials and seeing if they are hard or soft. We will look at other properties too e.g. man-made and natural. We have been identifying living things in a rainforest, discussing what makes them living, and discussing how they are suited to their climate.


Social Studies

Lara, Angus, James and Rosa said that in Social Studies we have been comparing plants and living things in the rainforest to other climates around the world. We will continue to discuss the difference between weather and climate.

We have started to identify the different parts of the rainforest.


Expressive Arts

Christopher, Rory, Ahmed and Lawson said that in groups we have explored different textures and collages with a focus on Henri Rousseau.

During Drama we have taken on different roles by acting as different rainforest animals. We will continue to



Harry, Jude, Finlay and Harrison said that in ICT we have used Code.org to practice dragging, and giving directions and instructions to Angry Birds. Sumdog has allowed extra consolidation of mental maths strategies. We have also practised typing and changing font, size and colour. We will continue to use ICT across the curriculum and develop coding skills.



We have been learning how to say numbers up to 20 and colours. Also, we can have short conversations with hello, how are you, what is your name in French. We will become more confident in speaking and learning more about food in French.



Cory, Harriet and Brandon said that we have been reading some Bible stories and identifying our school values in those stories. We will be learning more about the Christian festival Harvest.

Literacy and Numeracy

Our learning in these areas will draw upon the contexts listed above but will differ according to the needs of each class / group. Your support with consolidation of core learning through homework activities will be very beneficial to our children.


In Primary 2 we love sharing achievements, and things that we’re proud of both in and out of school. Over the weeks we have seen medals and certificate as well as pictures and tales of sporting achievements. Here’s a few the children wanted to share.

Lara swam to the bottom of the pool and has been diving into the water.

Angus climbed a particularly difficult tree.

Cory won his game of football 5-2.

Jessica swam to the deep end.

Harriet completed a 10 mile cycle.

Brandon has mastered the Rabona.

Lawson has been diving and jumping into the water at swimming.

Alesha was Star Writer recently.

Niamh was very proud of her Moana drawing.

Rosa scored a penalty against her big cousin.

Olivia P went for a long walk in Troon and found a jellyfish.

Harrison scored a try.

Finlay swam through a hoop under water.

Harry passed his Lego driving test.

Zaynah ran 2 laps at the Parkrun

Ava tried sledging for the first time.

Jude beat his dad at football.

Megan has been getting better at cartwheels and handstands. She also has a picture appearing soon at the Kelvingrove Art Gallery.

Heather climbed Goat Fell.

Rory swam 50m.

Christopher did the best pick up the coach had ever seen.

Abigail has been diving into the water.

Lucy swam a whole length in the Lake District.

Olivia Lee can tread water for a really long time.

James can swim without armbands and has been practising underwater swimming.

Ahmed is proud of learning number stories to 13.


Article 29: You have the right to education which develops your personality, respect for other’s rights and the environment.