Science – The Water Cycle

We drew the water cycle onto a see through bag.   We labelled it with the words evaporation, collection, condensation and precipitation. Then we put blue food colouring in and some water. We taped them to the window and we have been observing them. When the sun shines on them it will make the water form droplets.  You can watch a video about this experiment below.

Here are photos of our experiment in action.

Nathan – Lots of the bags have droplets on them now.

Homework – Monday 29th April 2019


02 29 April P4c

Please click on the link above to see the Homework for this week. If you can’t access it and require a paper copy, please send in a note.

Final Fitness Sessions

We had lots of fun doing our fitness sessions for P4a and P4b. We all got very hot and tired.  It was a very long time so we had to take regular breaks.  We hope the other classes enjoyed our fitness sessions.

I hope we get fitter. – Gavin

Health and Wellbeing – Bounceback – Responsibility

We have been using Bounceback to discuss the idea of responsibility.  We read Horton Hears a Who and discussed how he was responsible.  After that, we made pie charts all about how helpful we are at home.  Look at how busy we have been doing all our chores!  What a responsible group of young people.  So proud of you P4c!

Literacy – Roman Reports continued

We have been starting off our reports about the Romans.  Look at our amazing layouts!

Here is the link to our previous post about our reports.

Homework over two weeks

01 15 April Homework

Please click on the link above to see the Homework for this week. If you can’t access it and require a paper copy, please send in a note.


Music – Drumstick Game

We have been practising our rhythms with Mrs Lyall.  Today, we played a circle game with the drumsticks.  We had a lovely time for our last afternoon.  Happy holidays everyone!

Literacy – Roman Reports

We have been using spidergrams to do some research on the Romans.  We found lots of books in the school Library to help us!  After the holidays we will be using our research to write a report about Roman life. Look out for updates!

British Science Week

Today we were showing  the class our Science projects for British Science Week.  We showed some of our projects to Mrs Tees as well.  The ones that were most popular were Make it Fly and the Journey Sticks. Dillon even found a fox toe bone to add to his journey stick! We got nice comments from our peers in the class.

Thank you for bringing in your projects. – Douglas

Click on the link below to see pictures of us presenting.

British Science Week

Literacy – Paired Presentations

This week we have been working on paired presentations.  We had to find a non-fiction book from the school Library. We sat in our pairs and wrote a presentation together in our Writing Jotters. It was hard for us to  memorise it so that we could look at our audience.  Some of us tried to glance at our jotters to remember what we were saying.


I can’t wait till we do the next presentation! – Liya

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