Release Day!!!

Tomorrow we will be releasing our little fry!

We will be sad to say goodbye to them but it’s been fun learning about them and watching them grow.

Please remember to bring welly boots to school if you wish to enter the burn.

Thank you 🙂

Homework 2nd-6th March

Hi everyone!

Please find below the homework for this week.

Thank you 🙂

020320 Homework Task Sheet

Police Scotland Road Safety Competition

Homework Time digital to analogue 1 mins

homework write digital time – 1 mins

homework task-cards-telling the time 1 mins

homework subtraction_across_zeros_multiplier_100s

homework subtracting three digit numbers



Look at all our creations!!!


P5a  – your work was amazing!!

Below the children have typed their own message explaining what they did…

I made an air dry clay trout parr.  I had to shape the clay into a fishy shape and put it in a oven and painted it. By Joseph.


I made a junk model alvein. I used the end of a bottle then got a card board tube cut out a triangle stuck then all together used brown paper to cover it  used glitter glue then used a penny  to make a circle use black sharpie use more glitter glue to stick on  the eyes then glued an orange balloon and glued it on. by Matthew

I made an  adult trout out of air dry clay I had to shape it into a fish shape and also made an appendix for the fish but it fell off. by Anna.

I made an alvein and an egg with my mum and with my dad I made the river clyde and a parr .by Kira

I made the Squinty  bridge out of plastic and I made a brown trout. By Laurie.

I made the Titan Crane from Junk modelling, By Adam

I made a male brown trout by doing two drawing and sticking it to cardboard by Finn

I made a model of a brown trout out of salt dough and the ingredients were flour salt water then I mixed it up then put it in the oven for 3 hours or you leave it out for a week _by Robbie

I made a wooden brown trout model my papa made the shape of the brown trout and he helped me paint it took me 2 hours to paint By Calan

I made a model of the river clyde it took about 2 hours to make the model  I used the cardboard to make it to. – by Rishabah

I made a model of the river clyde using a shoe box for the outside blue tissue paper for the water and a metal coat hanger for the bridge. By Ava

I made a model of the life cycle of a brown trout with clay and paint and made a power point. By Aminah

I made a model of the river Clyde  . I used a hairband to make the Ark and I used white  sewing string to make the lines on the ark.I also used two toy blocks  to make the pillars . I used cardboard  to make the bridge and river  and I drew some male and female fish on the river. I used cellotape to put the bridge together and I used a glue stick to stick the string  on the ark.It was really fun and I would do it again. by Vasavi

I made a model suspension bridge out of lollipop sticks.And painted it red and grey. I made the church and building out of cardboard boxes painted grey and black. I would do it again.By Kathryn

I made a model of the river clyde . it took around 5 mins first I cut the picture of the suspension bridge and the squinty  bridge and then I painted the floor blue by Roan.

I made a model of a rainbow trout and I used modelling clay and I made the shape of the trout with a putty and it was kind of a play dough and then I used  the modelling clay for the inside of the trout. BY zahra

I made a poster of the Brown Trout and on my poster it had facts,the life cycle, its diet and its habitat.I also made a male trout picture.It took me about 1 hour and I had a lot of fun. By Holly.

I made the life cycle of the brown Trout.I made it with cardboard foil and pen and paint.  It took me about 50 minutes to make it.I think the most fun part was painting the scales.By Aydin.

I did a drawing of the brown trout .it took about 45 minutes to make it. I had a lot of fun making it. by jessica

My poster was about the life clyde of the brown trout. By Rosie.

I have done a drawing of a Brown Trout I went on the Internet It took 2 days to make the picture I had to use  pencils for the right tone after I did fins and an eye then I filled it in with pencils then it was done. By Alex

I made a life cycle of the brown trout  it took me 2 and and half days to complete it it was very hard and fun to  make by Benjamin

I made a brown trout out of cardboard ,brown paper, I used glue ,scissors ,and pen my mum cut cardboard and I stuck every thing on and it was very fun Abdullah

I made a poster of a brown trout and labelled the fins and bits of the brown trout and coloured in and decorated it I also wrote the life cycle and drew alevins I had some much fun by Kristina

I made a paper mashy of a brown trout I made a foam base and covered the sides in green card and the top of the base with blue tissue paper . I painted my fish and with wooden skewers I stuck the fish to the base by Morgan

I drew a Brown Trout and my mum helped me draw it and I coloured it in and I did it on Friday morning it took 5 mins to do it. By Aadam










Look at our alevins!

P5a’s alevins are growing up fast!


2 Week Project Homework – due Friday 28th February

We have decided as a class to create a piece of art work related to our topic ‘Clyde in the Classroom’.

Please choose over the next 2 weeks to make one of the following or if you have a different idea related to our topic, we would love to see that too!

  • Model of the River Clyde
  • Model of a Brown Trout
  • Life Cycle of a Brown Trout

Use any media you wish and have fun! (junk modelling, papier-mâché, clay etc).

Homework 3rd – 14th February

030220 Homework Task Sheet


5 minute interval homework sheet

Minutes to or past Activity Sheets

adding and subtracting ws

addition 2

Homework 27th-31st January


270120 Homework Task Sheet



Place Value sequence numbers upto 1000 homework sheets

Homework 20th January- 24th January 2020

Hi everyone,

Please find the links to the homework below.

Thank you 🙂

200120 Homework Task Sheet


Place value up to 1000



Perimeter and Area 2


Tree of Knowledge Visit

On Tuesday we had a visit from The Tree of Knowledge.  Not only was Stuart very funny, he taught us lots of new things about self regulation.

There are two drivers but only one steering wheel.

Who are you?  Mr Wait A Minute or Mr Right Now?

The test with Jenga pieces was to build a tower as high as possible and get the most points. You have to decide when to get it measured.  What strategy did you use?

Did you build a small tower first or did you risk trying to build a higher tower?

Each child was given a Starburst at the start and was told they could eat it but if they didn’t and it still had the wrapper on, then they would get a second one!

How did you do?!





Wishing you all a happy new year!

Please find below our Spelling and Numeracy homework.

Additionally, there is a super competition for Show Racism the Red Card.  Last year we had the winning entry from a pupil in Primary 5 and it would be fantastic to achieve this again! The whole class were invited along to Hampden for a tour and celebration day.

The deadline for this competition is 31 January 2020 and all the information you require can be found in the link below.

Click to access Creative+Competition+2020+Guidelines+and+Rules+-+Scotland.pdf

130120 Homework Task Sheet



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