Literacy and English

Alfie B – In writing we were using persuasive language. We had to create an imaginative story about a sloth who had to persuade the loggers to leave the Rain forest alone.


Numeracy and Mathematics

Alfie Y – In maths the number ninjas were doing BODMAS. We had to do calculations by using BODMAS.

Mehr – The mathletes were doing angles and on our worksheet there was different types of angles. We looked at complementary angle (90 degrees) and supplementary angles (180 degrees). We had to find different ways of making them.

Harry – In maths the cool calculators were tiling using shapes and dividing by 100.


Ismail – In topic we looked at fossil fuels. First we learned how coal and oil/gas were made. We then learned about their use and their environmental impact. We also learned about how to live in a more sustainable way.


Harry Fo – In science we looked at the density of liquids. We had a sheet of paper with the liquids on it and we made a hypothesis of which liquid was the most dense and which was the least. We were then challenged to create a density ladder.


Hishaam – In RME we were learning about the Jewish 10 commandments. We had to try and remember the 10 commandments as we ran to the poster and back to our group.

Health and Wellbeing / PE

Rayan – In dance we were looking at traditional Scottish dances. At first we did the Canadian barn dance which was really fun.

Tree of Knowledge

Olly – We did a live stream with other schools in Scotland. We looked at how we can be the best person we can be. We learned that there are somethings you might not like about yourself, but other people do.

Young CarersĀ 

Eva L – Today a visitor came to class to talk about young carers and what they do. He also said about what his job was about and helping young carers. We spoke about what young carers were and how it can be hard for them so they need support.