Literacy and English
Mehr – In Writing, we were writing about a Halloween setting. We were only writing the beginning of the story and we had to include adverbs, metaphors and similes to make it more interesting.
Ismail – In Comprehension, we were learning how to scan through a text to find specific words and used a text marking code. If we found numbers we put a squiggly line under it and a circle around times and dates.
Numeracy and Mathematics
Eva L – In Maths, The Mathletes were learning about data handling on the chromebooks. We were learning about making graphs online and creating surveys for other people to answer.
Gabby – In Maths, The Number Ninjas were learning how to find fractions of a number.
Harry Fo – In Maths, The Number Ninjas were practising 6,7,8 and 9 x tables.
Alfie B – In French, we were learning about family members. We had to match the correct vocabulary to the correct person on the family tree.
Outdoor Learning
Olly – In Outdoor Learning we were orienteering. We had to find different pegs that had patterns on them and we had to clip them on to our paper in the correct order. We used maps to locate where the clips were. Once you had finished you had to show the teacher and get a new map.
Social Studies (Topic)
Varda – In the corridor there were pictures with numbers. We had a sheet with the numbers on them. We had to go on a hunt to find all the pictures and identify if they were primary or secondary sources.
Science (COP 26)
Sophia – In Science, we were talking about ways to help the world because of COP26. We went in to groups of 4 and had to create a drama presentation. It was a news report about how we can save the environments. We were given a question about the environment that we had to address/answer in our news report.
Expressive Arts
Zunairah – In Art we created scary self-portraits inspired by Tim Burton who creates creepy movie characters.
John – In PE today we played hockey. We played King of the Ring, practices passing, piggy in the middle and then hockey matches.
Finlay – In PE with Mr McMillan we done Athletics. There was javelin, hurdles and a big obstacle course.