Week Beginning 04.10.21

We have had a wonderful week in P3b surrounded by lots of cardboard. There has been so much enthusiasm and excitement around shield making and lots of the children have used the left over cardboard to make some other Viking weapons. The children have been desperate to bring them home and I am sure you will agree they have done a fantastic job!

Numeracy and Maths

In Numeracy and Maths we are focusing on a few different concepts. Some of us are learning to round two-digit numbers to the nearest ten whilst some of us are looking at place value and recognising the tens and units in each number. We have continued our focus on money and we are currently working on calculating change. We have been learning how to count on and back on a number line to help calculation the correct amount.



In Literacy we have continued our work on adjectives which helped us describe different settings in our writing this week. We have also started learning about nouns and will begin to introduce this into our writing also. We are continuing our focus on spelling which includes our spelling sound ‘ea’ and common words. Ask us words that have the long ‘ea’ sound and the short ‘ea’ sound!

Health and Wellbeing

We are learning about emotions and this week we worked in groups to create a poster about a different emotion. The emotions we are looking at are happy, sad, relaxed, bored, angry and worried. Over the coming weeks we will be discussing what triggers these emotions, how our body may feel and how we can overcome these feelings.


This week we began learning about the clothes the Vikings wore and the different materials the clothes are made from. We discussed the similarities and differences between their clothes and the clothes we wear today. Our Viking shields are complete, we posed with our scariest Viking face!

Outdoor Learning

We have shown a very keen interest in reading maps and after our last outdoor learning lesson many of the children created their own maps of their house or garden. This week, we went out to the woodland and created a map of this area. We had to think about the main areas of the woodland to plot on the map along with where they are all from a certain point in the woodland. We also had to include a key to ensure our map was clear to read.



Week Beginning 27.09.21

We have been busy bees in Primary 3 this week and have had lots going on.

Maths Week Scotland

The theme for Maths Week Scotland has been ‘Our World’. Primary 3 began the week by discussing how maths is used in every day life and looked at various jobs and why they need to use the maths. The children were very keen to share the jobs their parents do and we discussed lots of different ways they will complete maths on a daily basis. Symmetry was a common theme this week. We looked at some flags of the world and discussed the symmetry and 2D shapes we could see in them. We also created our own symmetrical Rangoli patters.

We absolutely loved creating our own hundred square puzzles by cutting up a hundred square and then challenging our partner to complete it.


Our spelling sound this week has been ‘ee’. We have begun introducing more active spelling tasks to complete in class and also practising our common words. Along with reading and comprehension we have continued our focus on adjectives and again linked this with our writing, The Alien Landing. We loved describing the aliens and were challenged with describing what the alien can see, hear, smell, taste and touch.

Outdoor Learning

Our time in the woodland this week was connected with Maths Week Scotland. Before going to woodland we reminded ourselves about Venn Diagrams and then created our own using anything we could find in the woodland. We came up with lots of amazing criteria such as rough, smooth, brown and squishy and correctly sorted each of the objects we found.

The Vikings

This week we were extremely excited to begin making our Viking shields. We discussed different Viking shield designs and look at examples. We also shared pictures some children sent in of ‘real’ Vikings they recently met. On Thursday we cut out the shield from our cardboard, which was way harder than expected, and then began painting them. The shields are looking great but not quite finished, we still have the boss, handle and some finishing touches to add!

Week Beginning 20.09.21

It has been another wonderful week in P3b. We have been discussing The Vikings a lot, either through formal lessons or through general discussions. The children are very keen to learn more and some have brought it books from home and shared stories about artefacts family members have found. It has been lovely to see how motivated the children are about this topic.

Numeracy and Maths

In Numeracy and Maths we have completed our learning (for now) about Fractions. We can all identify half and quarter of a shape and can show a fraction on a number line. We enjoyed making Fraction Man where we were challenged to first make 1 whole and then from that make a half and then quarters. Some of us even added some fingers and toes!


In Literacy we have started learning about adjectives. We completed tasks to show that we can identify an adjective and this learning was transferred into our writing this week where we retold the story, Adrift. We had to ensure we included the main ideas of the story along with making sure we had it in the correct sequence. It was lovely discussing the different emotions and feelings the characters were feeling at different points in the story which ties in with our new Health and Wellbeing topic, Emotions.

We also put our learning from last week to the test and re-wrote sentences that had some spelling mistakes and some missing punctuation.

Outdoor Learning

We were very excited during Outdoor Learning this week . We had to hunt for different items hidden in the woodland but it wasn’t as easy at it seems! We had to use our map reading skills to find the items. Some of us found it quite tricky to follow the map but in the end we all solved the secret code – Primary 3 are Super Stars!

Week Beginning 13.09.21

We have had another wonderful week in P3! We seem to have lots of budding authors as many of the children have been creating their own books in class. They have been fully utilising the writing area and showed many creative ways they can display their stories and books.

Numeracy and Maths

We have continued working very hard learning about fractions. We can now identify half and quarter of a shape and have also been learning how to split a line into halves and quarter. We have been using a fraction wall to help support our understanding of which fraction is bigger! We have also been learning about money and have been totalling the amount of coins. We have discussed different strategies we can use to help us calculate the total. On Friday we completed a problem solving task involving symmetry!

We used three different colours to make some symmetry. Kayla

The colours we used were red, blue and green. When we completed all patterns of symmetry with three colours we had to try it with four colours. Josh

The fourth colour I used was yellow. Ben

We used a mirror to help us see the colours on the other side. Daanya


We have continued using our reading books to support our comprehension. We have answer literal and inferential questions along with true, false or can’t tell. Some of us have been focusing on rhyming words and we have all been practising our sentence structure, remembering finger spaces, capital letters and full stops. In writing, we created an imaginative story based on the picture of the troll. We had very different ideas and shared these together in class. Some of us thought the troll was kind and just wanted a friend whilst others thought he was hungry and looking for food!

Physical Education

In PE, we have are learning tennis with Mr McMillan and on a Friday we are continuing with team games. This week we learned to play Capture the Flag. We had to work together as a team to defend our ‘flags’ whilst trying to steal the other team’s. If we were caught whilst trying to steal then we had to go to ‘jail’.

You have to run into the other team’s side and when you have been tug you go to jail. Ashley

If you high five someone who is in jail they can come back out. The person who freed them and the person who is freed have a free run back to their side. Cameron

When you get the bean bag you put it in your team’s hoop and the team who has the most wins. Charlie

We needed to team build to get up to the other side to steal a bean bag. Aaron

Also, if we were inside the cones we couldn’t be tug. Amelia

Week Beginning 06.09.21

It has been an extremely busy week in P3b. We have enjoyed using our imagination and creating more classroom displays including Our Monster Stories and our map of the world. The map of the world shows the connections that we, or members of our family, have with the world.

In Numeracy and Maths we have been focusing on fractions. This includes finding half or a quarter of a shape and we have been learning how to write a fraction correctly. We have also been learning about money and correctly identified all coins to £1. We then used our addition and subtraction skills to calculate how much more money was needed to make a certain amount.

In Literacy, we were introduced to new reading books this week. We are using these books to develop our comprehension skills. We are also focusing on capital letters and full stops. In writing, we continued a story about a monster. Our Success Criteria was to include tricky or wow words in our writing and begin to introduce other types of punctuation. We are also working hard on our hand writing and ensuring we use finger spaces.

Growth Mindset is still a huge topic of discussion and we have been talking about what we would like to get better at and how we are going to achieve it. We also sorted statements to demonstrate our understanding of a fixed and a growth mindset.

We enjoyed a music lesson with Mrs Duggie this week were we learning about keeping the beat. We played lots of different games with the ball which involved bouncing the ball or passing the ball whilst keeping to the beat.



Week Beginning 23.08.21

We have had a lovely start to Primary 3. The children have settled in very well to their new classroom and new routines. We have spent lots of time getting to know each other through circle time, games and activities in class.

We have been reading The Day the Crayons Quit and this has been our focus in Literacy. In Numeracy & Maths we have been using our addition and subtraction skills to solve problems and complete calculations.

We have completed some beautiful pieces of art including a self-portrait with sunglasses which showed what we did over the summer. We have also created pictures using different textures with crayon.

We have been enjoying the sunshine outside and spent time in the woodland along with the playground and the Muga.

We had two teams and we had hula hoops across the Muga and then we had to hop across and when we met we did rock, paper, scissors, shoot and we had to try and get to the other end and sadly we didn’t make it to the other end. Magnus

In the Muga we played Chaos Tig and we had lots of fun. Everyone is the tigger. Zack

We played slow and fast games in the Muga. Joshua

It was fun doing the spelling activities. Charlie

In Literacy, we used the Chromebooks and played some word games on the board. Harry

We rubbed the crayons over the different textures and we tried to make characters or objects from the different textures by cutting out our rubbings. Aaron

There was lots and lots of different textures. My favourite was the one that looked like big scratches. Miller


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