Week Beginning 26.11.21

This week has been super busy in P3b. We received some lovely visits from other children including P6 who told us about Anti-Bullying Week and helped us write a kindness postcard. We were also joined by a pupil from P5 who received a hand written letter from Sir David Attenborough. We loved the recent video we watched of Sir David so this was very exciting indeed!

Numeracy and Maths

We continue our focus on Position and Direction and again used the BeeBots this week. We were tasked with following an algorithm and then giving the BeeBot the correct instructions to reach a certain destination on the mat. With number, we are learning to count in 10s and 100s up to 1000. Some of us are also looking at estimating and using our rounding skills to estimate an answer to a calculation. We are also trying to identify the missing number in an addition and subtraction calculation.

STEM a Story

On Monday we completed our STEM a story challenge. We read a story called ‘There’s No Dragon in this Story’ and we were then tasked with building houses for the 3 little pigs. One was made of sticks, the other from art straws and tissue paper and the last of Lego.



We were all very intrigued to find out who we would be writing a letter too on Thursday. When we came into school that morning we found that our chairs had quit. They were tired of us swinging on them, not tucking them in or dragging them across the floor. They wrote us a letter telling us how sad they were and we were tasked with writing a letter of apology explaining how we can treat them better. We all now really appreciate our chairs in P3b.

Outdoor Learning

This week, Miss Macrae, tasked us with creating famous landscapes from natural materials found in  the woodland. Our creations were AMAZING and extremely creative!




We have been learning about Food Chains with Miss Macrae. This week we created our own poster which shows three animals, one inside the other. All of these animals are in a food chain.


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