
Happy Friday my amazing 5s!

It has been amazing to see all your fantastic work this week! I am so proud of how you have all handled this change so far.

Next week is the start of our Easter Holidays so I’ll be back with your Home Learning in two weeks time (Monday 20th). Make sure you get outside as much as possible during this time, stay active and enjoy spending time with your family! I’ll miss you all too much though so you might see me pop up on a classroom from time to time (not with anything to do, just for a chat!)

Also, STAY TUNED for a special video from Mrs Friel coming later this morning! I will post this on our Reading Google Classroom.

Please find Home Learning for today in the doc below 🙂

Home Learning – 03.04.20


Have a fantastic Friday and a wonderful Easter break!

Sending love,

Mrs Macintyre x


Good morning everyone and happy April Fools Day!

I planned on doing a wee joke this morning but I decided that we’ve all had enough uncertainty and big news recently! Make sure that you’re enjoying a fun and silly morning with your family, feel free to send any pictures or jokes my way 🙂 And remember, no pranks past 12 noon!

Please find Home Learning below.

Home Learning – 01.04.20

Have a great day.

Mrs Macintyre


Good morning all!

Thank you SO much for all the pictures of your amazing learning so far. It has been incredible to see how your creativity is still going strong from home!

Continue to approach your learning with a sense of balance and flexibility, only doing what is manageable and right for you and your family. Remember to enjoy some time together, some down time and some opportunities for fun and silliness!

Please find today’s Home Learning in the word document below.

Home Learning – 26.03.20

Also, please note that I will be spending the morning at our Hub School and so will not be available for email. I’ll pick this back up as soon as I’m home in the afternoon.

Have a fantastic day everyone.

Some of our work so far..

Hi all,

Sharing a link to a facebook page which is offering a live lesson at 1pm to all about a secret World War 2 Bunker in Liverpool. As well as the Bunker, the lesson will focus on air raids, rationing and other features of Britain in wartime.


Also enjoy some examples of the amazing learning with has happened from home so far!

Adam and Amna using colour and line to make amazing designs for their jotter front covers.

Some excellent work on the features of 3D objects by Isla, Carys, Charlotte and Eva

Some great examples of recount writing from Arlo and Robin


Keep up all the hard work Primary 5, you’re all amazing!

Have a great day.

Mrs Macintyre


Good morning all!

I hope you’ve all had a great week so far. Keep up all the amazing hard work!

Please find todays home learning experiences in the word document below.

Home Learning – 25.03.20

Please continue to communicate with me and each other via glow email and on google classroom streams, I love hearing from you all.

Have a great day.

Mrs Macintyre


Hello and welcome to day TWO of home learning!

I hope you all had a great day yesterday pressing on with your home learning experiences. It was a joy to read about what some of you have been doing.

Please find your home learning experiences for today.

Home Learning – 24.03.20

As always,  if you need me please just email!

Have a great day 🙂

Mrs Macintyre