Please click on the link below to see a copy of the letter sent home todar regarding this terms library trips.
If you have any further questions, please dont hesitate to contact us.
Please click on the link below to see a copy of the letter sent home todar regarding this terms library trips.
If you have any further questions, please dont hesitate to contact us.
Our afterschool programme for this term has been posted on the website Thornliebank Term 2 – Jan-April 2018 and letters for all clubs starting week beginning January 22nd were sent home yesterday. Please return tear off slips by Friday 12th January.
Rugby P1-3 term 3 Running P6-7 Term 3 Handball P3-5 Term 3 Football P1-3 Term 3 Dance P4-7 term 3
There are still places in the P5-7 netball club which started yesterday see Mrs McGarvey if your child would like a place.
Appendix 4b should be completed for any pupil attending a club and will be sent home if your child gets a place in a particular club
We are also looking for parent volunteers for Friday football club and to help with a cooking club starting later in the term with Mrs McGarvey. If any parent would like to run their own afterschool club please contact Mrs McGarvey.
There is also still time to return the form for the P7 volleyball club in Woodfarm starting soon.
Please click on the links below for a copy of the letter emailed home today and information on booking Parents Evening appointments.
Please click on the link below for a copy of a letter that was emailed home today.
Please click on the link below for a copy of the letter sent home today. The letter contains information about Miss McColgan moving to Carlibar Campus, our new Acting Headteacher and classes for August 2016.
Please click on the link below to read our December newsletter.
Our uniform supplier (Gilmour Sports) has advised that in order for uniforms to be ready for collection at the end of June 2015, all orders should be submitted no later than Friday, 8th May 2015. If orders are not submitted at this time, the order will not be ready for collection until our In-Service Days on either Tuesday 11th or Wednesday 12th August 2015.
The order form 2015-2016_SCHOOL_ORDER FORM 2015-2016_NURSERY_UNIFORM ORDER FORM
should be placed in a sealed envelope with the payment, either in the form of a cheque or exact money, and the details outlined below written on the front of an envelope. Cheques must be made payable to “Gilmour Sports”. The order form together with payment should be returned to the school by Friday, 8th May 2015.
Please see attached link to letter about this trip for P3.
A payment of £5 and permission letters should be returned as soon as possible to school.
A letter about this trip was issued this week. Pupils should let the school know if they require a school packed lunch by next week and return permission forms and £5 payment as soon as possible.
Our trip this year for nursery to P6 is Dean Castle Park near Kilmarnock, we are crossing our fingers for a nice, dry day!
The nursery class and Primary 1-6 will visit Kelburn Castle and Country Park on Thursday 20th June. The cost for this trip will be £5.50 per child or £5 if there are 3 or more children in a family. All permission forms and money should be sent into class teachers before this date,
Pupils will leave school promptly at 9.30am returning for 3.00pm
A lketter will further information regarding planned activities, clothing and lunch arrangements will be issued shortly in school.
A reminder that all pupils should have returned this information to the school office
Just a reminder to make sure we have up to date emergency contact details. A copy of the procedures we will follow and the information we should have from each parent can be found in the tab: Information – Adverse Weather. Follow the link to the Inclement Weather Letter and fill it in if you have not already done so. It is vital in the event of a school closure that we have someone local to contact, who is able to collect your child, if you are unavailable.
Menus showing hot lunch options for the coming term have been sent home this week. Sandwiches and Baguettes(deluxe) are also available every day.
Cashless Catering
Pupils can put money into their accounts using the machine in the dining room before school (from 8.45am) and after school (from 3.00pm).
Parent’s Evenings will be taking place on Tuesday 2nd October and Thursday 4th October from 3.30pm until 6.30pm. A letter will be sent our shortly asking you to choose a preferred evening and/or time, please return these to school as soon as possible.
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