Children’s Nativity

On Sunday, 26th November, rehearsals will begin in St John’s Church for the Nativity performance presented by the Children’s Liturgy group at 6.30 pm on Christmas Eve.  Children of Primary school age who would like to participate should meet in front of the altar after 10am mass each Sunday from the 26th until Christmas. We need plenty of sheep, shepherds and angels in addition to the main characters! The practices will last approximately 20 minutes. Parents and carers should wait in the church to collect their children when the rehearsal is finished.


Credit Union Coffee Morning

The Credit Union Committee would like to invite you to a coffee morning Tuesday 24th October at 9.00am.

In the coming weeks, the School Credit Union will be starting up again. It has been running in St Mark’s for the past few years and is a fantastic way to educate your child on the importance of saving. If you are interested in how the Credit Union operates in school or if you would like your child to become a member, a Credit Union representative from Pioneer Mutual Credit Union will attend the coffee morning and will be available to answer any questions.

Please  let us know if you can attend.


Looking for something to keep the kids entertained and active this October week, then East Renfrewshire Lesuire & Culture have made it easy!

  • Choose an activity
  • Book and pay 
  • Come along and have fun!

Multi-Activity Camp

Our multi-activity camp is the perfect opportunity to be active and creative during the holidays. Everyone gets a chance to try art activities and sport. Some of the oldest group will also have a chance to try some cooking skills in the school kitchen and prepare a meal for the other children on the camp under close supervision from our catering staff!! Healthy lunch included.

Multi-Sport Camp

Participants will enjoy a lively mix of sports everyday including dodgeball, football, badminton, tennis, rugby, athletics and more! On the final day, participants will get to show off their skills in a Mini Games! All children will also have a healthy lunch and lots of fresh air fun – weather permitting.  Healthy lunch included.

For further information on activities, times, dates and how to book, go to




St Mark’s Halloween Happenings

Tuesday 3rd and 10th of October 2017

9.30-11.30 am in St Mark’s Family Room.


Come long and have some fun with Parent Network Scotland and make some scary bits n bobs for Halloween.

Join in an arts and crafts session with your child!

Spooky goings on and gory refreshments…


Congratulations St. Mark’s!

We are delighted to inform you that our school has been awarded a sportscotland Silver School Sport Award for 2017-2018.  

 The Silver School Sport Award is recognition of our school’s dedication to putting physical education and school sport at the heart of a school’s planning, practice and ethos.

The Silver Award also highlights that our school has shown improvement across the core areas of the Award and demonstrated an on-going commitment to increase young people’s opportunities and engagement in physical education, school sport and leadership and provide clear pathways to life-long participation in sport.   

Well done everyone!            


Explorathon is back!

Explorathon is back!

Friday 29th September

On Friday 29th September over 300 cities across Europe will celebrate research in a one-night continent-wide festival: Explorathon! All across Glasgow, get up close and hands-on with our world changing research. Discover the truth behind the headlines as we ask “Do you believe in Science?” at Kelvinhall. Sing along as we explore how Victorian novels are turned into hit musicals or join us for an evening of curiosity at the Riverside Museum, packed with hands-on activities. It’s all totally FREE! Check out the program and grab a ticket for your favourite event here:


What matters to you about your child’s school?

Through this short survey Scottish Government would like you to help them find out what matters to parents about their school and their child’s education, focusing on what needs to be done to make the improvements we all want to see. The survey will close on October 16th and will inform the annual report for the National Improvement Framework parental involvement driver.



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