Category Archives: Pupils

Walk to School Week, 18th-22nd May 2015


Every year Living Streets’ Walk to School Week brings together nearly one million schoolchildren, teachers and parents. Each day of Walk to School Week will explore a different health benefit of walking to school.

    • Daily exercise keeps us fit and healthy. Walking is good for our hearts, lungs, muscles and bones.
    • Children that walk to school arrive more alert and ready to start the day. Walking can also have a positive effect on your mood.
    • Getting into the habit of an energetic walk at the start of the day can also encourage healthy eating habits such as having a nutritious breakfast every morning.
    • The whole family can get fit walking to school. It’s also a great time to spend quality time together and chat about your day.
    • Gas from cars pollutes the air. If more people walk, there will be fewer cars and less pollution. Cleaner air is better for us and our planet.

St Mark’s Lego Club

St Mark’s is launching a new Lego club . The groups will be small, engaging and excellent for developing communication skills. Children adopt specific roles and work together, communicating effectively to follow instructions and complete tasks. To help purchase some additional Lego materials some of the new members went shopping at the Lego store today, spending over £250 on Lego goodies.

John Byrne Drawing Competition



Renowned artist and playwright, John Byrne, invited children and young people in schools across Scotland, from P4 – S3, to participate in the first annual John Byrne Drawing Competition. The aim of the competition was to enhance the profile of drawing in the curriculum. John wanted to highlight the importance of developing drawing skills in children as they go through the developmental stages of mark making and begin to represent their world through drawing.Emily Wilson was awarded Highly Commended, competing against more than 3000 entries. She was a great ambassador for St Mark’s. Well done Emily!


Fairtrade Fortnight

Primary 2 Fairtrade Coffee Morning

As part of their social studies topic, Primary two organised a Fairtrade Coffee Morning for parents, grandparents and carers. It was a fantastic morning filled with sweet treats, singing and laughter. Parents and carers enjoyed Fairtrade tea, coffee and biscuits and pupils highlighted the important message of Fairtrade. Well done Primary 2!

Throughout Fairtrdade Fortnight the Fairtrade Committee visited classes in the school with various presentations and films. They helped raise awareness of Fairtrade products and the lives of farmers. They also hosted a Fairtrade pop up shop last Thursday. You can view their presentations below.

P1-3 Fairtrade Presentation  P4-7-Fairtrade Presentation


Spring Disco

The spring disco for Primary 6 and 7 pupils will take place in St Mark’s on Thursday 19th March from 7pm-8.30pm. Entry cost is £1 and should be paid at the door. Juice and crisps will be provided by the Parent Council. If your child is attending the disco, please sign the permission slip sent home yesterday. The slip should be returned to the school no later than Tuesday 17th March.