New school website!
The content on the existing website will no longer be updated.
Any new information will be added to the new website which you can access here New Website Link
New school website!
The content on the existing website will no longer be updated.
Any new information will be added to the new website which you can access here New Website Link
Dear Parent/Carers
Following on from the information we provided you last week please find some further information below. We are delighted to be returning as a whole school, however, we are of course aware of the need to remain vigilant and continue to manage the risks of COVID-19. As a result, there are particular measures which we have put in place, in line with government guidance, to ensure the safety of children, young people and staff. Please note the guidance provided by the school will be reviewed and updated as and when required.
We recognise and understand that some of these arrangements may take a little while to get used to but please be assured that your children will be well cared for and we are committed to ensuring that they are happy and receive the best experiences possible. We value our strong partnership with our families and we will continue to work closely with you as part of our parental involvement and engagement agenda. We thank you for your continued support as our children return to school.
Maria McBride
Detailed Return to School Guidance:
St Cadoc’s Guide for Going Back to School Aug 20
Letter for Pupils from Mrs McBride
Letter to Parent Carers 5.8.20 Director of Education
staggered start and finish updated 11th Aug
Early Years Government Guidance
Click the link below to view the (updated 20.8.20) Halal Menu.
Connect Sessions for Parents/parent groups
We have a great programme of free online information sessions in September for parents and Parent Councils.
There is a choice of times for each session, either 1.30pm or 8pm . Places are free, booking is essential via the links.
1 September Parent Councils – What’s Our Role Now? |
How can PCs work positively in the current situation? |
We will offer practical advice on how a Parent Council may help support parents/carers and the school community and find new ways to fulfil their role in the current situation. |
3 September Online Q&A – How are you doing? |
We would like to invite parents and parent groups to an informal online chat |
We’re keen to know how Connect can help your parent group in this current situation. Please tell us about what your parent group needs and about your experiences. We’d also like to hear about your parent group’s activities, ideas and plans and to share these with other groups. Let’s have a chat about how we can help each other. |
8 September Role of Parent Council/PTA Chairs |
For new and more experienced PC/PTA Chairs. |
Top tips for running effective meetings and dealing with tricky situations. Advice on holding meetings online, setting agendas, working with other office bearers and working in partnership with your head teacher. |
10 September Reaching Out to All Families |
Practical help to make sure everyone is included, supported and involved in your school community |
Who is engaged with the school community? Who is missing? What are the challenges faced by some families that make engagement difficult? How can your PC and school community help to overcome these challenges? This session will help you to engage more and different families in school and learning. |
15 September Role of Parent Council/PTA Treasurer |
For new and more experienced Treasurers |
Find out how to look after PC/PTA funds, report to meetings/AGM and comply with Connect membership-linked insurance. |
17 September Building School & Community Partnerships |
For parents/carers, school staff, community organisations, working together to improve outcomes for children and young people. |
Practical ideas for your parent group to help your school move forward with projects around literacy, numeracy, health & wellbeing and many other areas. We will look at how your school currently engages families and the wider community in children’s learning and how different types of involvement can help to improve outcomes for children and young people in the current situation.
24 September Connect + Parenting Across Scotland |
Looking after yourself and your family |
The current situation has presented many challenges to parents/carers and a new set of pressures on family relationships. This session looks at things you can do to defuse difficult situations and care for yourself and your family.
Best wishes
Jen Graham Training and Development Officer
Connect, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB
Please click on the link below to view the Halal school menus.
Dear Parent/Carers
Below you will find some initial information and arrangements for children returning to school and nursery on Wednesday 12th August.
School Update and Arrangements for 12th August
Kind Regards
Maria McBride
Our Summer Maths Challenge starts today! #abitofmathseveryday
To complete the challenge and receive one of our very special maths medals:
1)Download and print the Rigour Maths calendars for July and August along with the monthly record card. Remember to print the correct level for your child – this information will be on their Report Card.
2) Put your calendar up on the wall, on the fridge, on the door- wherever suits really. Each day, complete the calendar question.
3) Record all answers directly on the calendars- you can also record answers on an extra piece of paper if necessary.
4) Remember to also complete the Challenge 2 task: applying a maths skill to real-life situations. To complete this part of the challenge you need to provide 6 examples where you used maths in a real-life context in both July and August. More information on this can be found on the record sheet below.
5) All entries should be placed in the class tray labelled ‘Maths Challenge’ on 1st September.
Good Luck everyone!
Calendar Downloads:
Calendar Record & Challenge 2 Record Downloads:
25 June 2020
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Celebration of First Sacraments of Holy Communion and Confirmation 2020
Before the close of our schools for well merited summer holidays, I wanted to communicate to you our new plans for the celebration of your children’s First Sacraments which were postponed due to the Covid-19 Pandemic restrictions.
Both First Communions and Confirmations will now be celebrated in your local parish churches between September and November. Each of these will be given by your parish priests. I am happy to delegate the Sacrament of Confirmation to your parish priest to administer.
Our Head Teachers in both our Diocesan Primary and High Schools have committed to continuing the formation of our young ones to be ready for these Sacraments in support of our local parishes.
May I take this opportunity to thank our Parish Priests, Head Teachers and Diocesan Education Officers for their wonderful work in arranging a full consultation on this process in order to come up with the best solution for your families. Amid all the business of lockdown arrangements they gave generously of their time and talents to ensure your children will not miss out of the joyful celebration of our Sacraments.
May I also commend you in your amazing commitment to the partnership of our schools and parishes to ensure the peaceful formation of our young people in faith and character in these unprecedented times. May God reward your good work.
With every good wish and blessing,
Bishop John
We welcome the Scottish Government’s announcement to aim for all pupils to return to school after the summer break. We look forward to welcoming back all children on 12th August and will now prepare and plan for this. We will inform parents if there are any further changes. All the work carried out to prepare for blended learning and social distancing will be valuable as contingency plans and if we are required to move to this model at a later date. The purpose of this update is to inform you of our Contingency Plan or Plan B.
If we ever have to use the Contingency Plan we will implement blending learning. Today you will receive a text message from the school to confirm your child’s group. We have split each class in to two groups-Group A and Group B. Group A pupils would attend Monday and Tuesday and Group B pupils would attend Thursday and Friday. The process for splitting classes is based on surnames, we have then ensured children within the same family attend school and nursery on the same days. Provision for children of key workers would remain in place.
We have also uploaded our Contingency Plan below. This Plan B, gives you more detailed information and includes our School improvement Plan. Please take some time to have a look at this.
Kind Regards
Maria McBride
Are you ready for St Cadoc’s Summer Numeracy Challenge?
Challenge 1
The challenge is to complete a calculation from the Rigour Maths calendar for each day of July and August. Remember to select the level your child is currently working at, this information is included in the report card. #abitofmathseveryday
Bonus Challenge
Can you apply a Numeracy or Maths skill that you have learned? Draw an illustration and write a sentence about what you did. eg. Today I used my knowledge of weight when I weighed out my dog’s food then I used my knowledge of the 2 times table to divide the total amount into 2 meals.
Remember to keep a record of your progress and return any entries at the end of August.
Health and Wellbeing Family Update
Looking after our health and wellbeing as best we can is really important for us all in these uncertain times. In each update you will find health and wellbeing activities that your child can do on their own or you may want to do them together as a family.
Latest Update:
Previous Updates:
Health and Wellbeing Update 6 (1)
Health and Wellbeing Update 5 (1)
Health and Wellbeing Update 4 (1)
Health and Wellbeing Update 3 (1)
We are looking forward to seeing our P7 children for their first transition session next week.
Please see the letter sent to you last week for for your child’s designated group. You can then view full details for each group below.
Please remember to drop your child off and pick your child up at their designated entrance. Unfortunately, parents will not be allowed to enter the school grounds however, there will be teachers and pupil support assistants available to meet your child and direct them to the appropriate area to line up.
We would also ask that all P7 children who have borrowed a Chromebook or laptop from the school return this on their second transition session, the following week, 22nd or 23rd June.
Best wishes and we look forward to seeing you all next week,
From Education Department:
Dear Parent Council Chairs
Thank you again for your participation in our meeting on Monday 8 June. As was shared at the meeting we received 608 questions from you on behalf of your parent forums. This tremendous response in such a short timescale reassures all that we are in this together to support our children and young people safely back to school as soon as possible.
A copy of the presentation from Monday night has already been shared with you. I believe the content of which has answered many of the questions posed. In addition we have grouped together questions under similar themes and answered as part of the Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) document.
Many of the remaining questions submitted were specific to individual schools and as such we have shared your questions with Head Teachers who can provide you with the detail you require moving forward.
Your continued support as we move towards phase 2 and phase 3 of our recovery plan is very much appreciated. We all want what is best for your children and for them to return to full time education as quickly as it is safe to do so.
Frequently asked Questions: PC FAQ
We hope you have been enjoying the start of the summer term – unlike any start of term before, but the weather has been good and we can enjoy our one hour outside every day. Getting outside for fresh air and exercise helps our physical health, and our mental and emotional wellbeing. This update gives more advice to families about these areas.
Glow Password Resets
For Glow password issues, please visit: and complete the Form. Within 3 hours, your child’s password will be reset temporarily to changeme1234 and then at next login your child will be asked to change their password to something else.
Click the link below for tips to ensure everyone has a safe connection.