Our top film reviewers share thier insight …..


Brave. Amazing. Merida is by far the best Pixar Princess yet. Her personality is more realistic than the other ones. I mean like she’s not a pink, pretty, good-girl, shallow, lovey-dovey, flouncy princess. She was a real, identifiable character; stroppy, sassy and downright Scottish. Here ends the rave about how awesome she is.

Brave has a great storyline and an even greater setting (guess where I’m from). A genuinely moving film (I cried first time around) which never gets old. It has a winning cast, brilliant music and actually funny jokes. Nothing was wrong with this film.

Overall, I give it 10/10. I can find no fault in this. And is it just me, or does anyone else think that the triplets look like teddy bears? Anyone?

Anna Gallagher S2

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