The following attachements are for Miss Mitchell’s S4 CLASS!
Any problems with access message Miss Mitchell on GOOGLE CLASSROOMS
The following attachements are for Miss Mitchell’s S4 CLASS!
Any problems with access message Miss Mitchell on GOOGLE CLASSROOMS
The following attachements are for Miss Mitchell’s S2 CLASS!
Any problems with access message Miss Mitchell on GOOGLE CLASSROOMS
Hello all of S3! The first thing that you should do is read the attached PowerPoint and then the script extract. You should then complete the Pupil booklet on directing. All tasks should be completed this week. Remember that you should save the booklet to your computer before making any changes. Please include your name in the title of the file e.g. “Sam Jones Shanghaied Pupil Booklet DIRECTING” as you will be asked to email these booklets to your teacher once we return to school. Please also remember to read the ACTING and DIRECTING chapters in your textbook. Any questions – please direct them to myself on google classroom or on my school email on as Ms.Mitchell and I are setting work for different year groups. Kind regards, Ms. Cairns.
ACTING DIRECTING S3 Monday 20th April WA SHANGHAIED EXTRACT Shanghaied pupil booklet – DIRECTING