Tag Archives: parents

Annual General Meeting of Parent Council – 14 September 7pm

The Parent Council AGM will take place on Thursday 14th September at 7pm in the school. The PC represents the views of parents on all issues concerning the school and works on projects to help the school such as playground development, communications and inclusion.
Although all parents/carers are welcome to attend any meeting, the AGM is the only time in the year you can join – by attending and nominating yourself (nothing intimidating, just filling in a form!)
At this year’s AGM, we look forward to our new head Mrs Dillon-Ruddy sharing plans for the school with us and to discussing how we can support and be involved in these. Joining the PC takes place at the end of the meeting so you can take part in this discussion whether or not you wish to become a member at the end.
We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible on the night. If you have any queries, please contact us on olm-parentcouncil@hotmail.com or message us on Facebook.

Gillian Boyle (Chair)

John Paul Sheridan (Vice chair)

Eid ul-Adha

On Friday 1st September, Muslims in Scotland and all around the world will gather to celebrate Eid ul-Adha which marks the end of the Hajj – the annual Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca. All at OLM extend our warmest good wishes to our Muslim families on this very special occasion which we have also recognised with special assemblies in school. We also wish a safe journey back for those performing Hajj this year. Eid Mubarak!
Eid ul-Adha, also known as the Feast of Sacrifice or the Greater Eid, is an opportunity for prayer, forgiveness and celebration. The day commences with morning prayers in the Mosque with families gathering later to share a celebratory meal, exchange greetings and gifts, reflect on lessons of sacrifice and show compassion to those in need.
It honours the willingness of the Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) to sacrifice his son, Prophet Ismael (Ishmael) as an act of submission to God’s command. As sacrifice is part of the tradition, Muslims all over the world who can afford it arrange for a sheep or similar animal to be sacrificed (through their local butcher) as a reminder of Ibrahim’s obedience. The meat is then divided into three equal shares and distributed among family, friends and the poor.
Our bilingual support assistant Ms Shariff is away performing Hajj this year and we look forward to hearing about her journey on her return.

Forthcoming Masses

Primary 7 pupils will walk to St Vincent’s Church next Friday 1st September and will be the first year group this session to attend First Friday Mass. Suitable clothing approriate to the weathe should be worn.

Mass will be celebrated on Thursday 8th September to mark Our Lady’s Birthday. Primary 5-7 will walk to St Vincent’s and Father Burke will celebrate Mass in school with P2-4. Prayer services will also be conducted for the pupils in primary 1 to mark the patronage of our school and to dedicate the coming yearto the intercession of Our Lady of the Missions. 

We are once again planning a series of Stage Masses with Fr. Jim. These will
normally take place in the school hall at 1.45pm and parents will be welcome tojoin us. Dates will be sent home shortly. The annual Diocesan Mass at St Miri’ns Cathedral for P7 pupils is on 29th September at 10am.


Psychology of Parenting Project

East Renfrewshire Council are providing a range of local parenting programmes including The Incredible Years Programme,  these will be running throughout the authority in September 2017.

Julie Shields ( Depute Head of Centre at Glenwood Family Centre) has been trained to deliver this exciting new parenting programme for 3 and 6 year olds with challenging behaviour, we understand it can be incredibly hard to manage difficult behaviour  in small children at times. You may be entitled to a place on this helpful programme where parents will have the opportunity to meet weekly with each other and group leaders to work together  to develop new strategies for managing challenging behaviour. If you would like to know more about this Julie Shields is running a Popp taster session at Cart Mill Family Centre on Wednesday the 30th August at 9.30am until 11.30am if you would like to book a place please call Julie on 570 – 7520.


SCIAF 5k Run

Congratulations to Michael N from P7b, was the first child to complete the run. He was 8th overall in the run and completed it in an impressive 23 minutes. Michael had his picture taken with the first three winners and was awarded with a SCIAF running top for his achievement. He also had a short interview with the SCIAF press person.

A big congratulations to everyone who took part in the run!

Appeal for Outdoor Resources

We are appealing for the help of parents and friends of Our Lady of the Missions to help us develop our outdoor learning provision and playground facilities. The aim is to create a learning environment that will allow our children to develop a range of important physical, social and academic skills whilst having fun outdoors. It will also enhance the playground experience for our pupils by providing them with a larger, more attractive social space to meet and play.

Please see attached document for further details.

outdoor learning – parent appeal for donations


Matthew Carney Tournament

We were delighted and honoured by Hugh Keevins and Davy Hay presenting the prizes at this year’s Matthew Carney Tournament.  Hugh captured the spirit of the event beautifully. Please follow the link-


Congratulations to Oliver McLachlan who was awarded ‘The Matthew Carney Cup’.  Oliver was selected by his coaches for all his positive attitude and work ethic throughout his football journey to date.

Thank you to everyone who supported the day – it could not happen wen without you..


BEST WISHES to all in our school community and beyond who are observing the holy month of Ramadan, which started on 27 May.

We know it is a hugely important time for our Muslim families as they come together with family and friends in fasting, reflection, prayer and thinking of those less fortunate – extra charity is given in this month.

For those of us who are not familiar with Ramadan, Muslims believe that during Ramadan, the Qu’ran, the holy book of Islam, was revealed to mankind through the Prophet Muhammad. Many therefore devote extra time to the study of the Quran during this time. The end of Ramadan brings the festival Eid-ul-Fitr which will fall around 26 June.

Ramadan Mubarak to you all!


Download Microsoft Office Apps for Free 

Glow Users can now download for free the Microsoft Office 2016 apps on up to 15 personal devices; up to 5 PCs or Macs, 5 tablets (Windows, iPad and Android) and 5 phones.  ‎Making these apps available helps Glow users take full advantage of the opportunities these tools offer. The Office apps which include Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote provide a learning platform that extends beyond school and into the world of work.

To download the Office 2016 apps, log in to Glow and either click on the ‘Download Office Now’ tile or go to the ‘Office 365 Home’ tile and once in Office 365, click on “Install Office 2016” at the top right of the page.


World Travellers Theme Day

Starter – Sliced Melon
Italian Fingers of Pizza
Indian Vegetable Pakora
Haggis Sausage Rolls

Choose as much as you can eat salad bowls

Tuna Pasta / Tomato Pasta
Curried Rice/ Citrus Cous Cous
Sliced Beetroot
Carrot / Tomato /Lettuce / Cucumber
Pickled Onion
Mediterranean Crudities with Dips

Dessert Selection
Bite Size Fudge
Scottish Fresh Fruit Platter

Assorted Drinks

Equalities Forum 11 May

The last parent equalities forum of this session takes place on Thursday 11th May in Mearns Primary School at 7pm. This will be, as before, a small showcase event with 4 of our schools presenting on the good practice which takes place around the important area of equalities. An invitation is extended to anyone who wishes to come along.