Tag Archives: parent council



Tuesday 9th June 2015 6.30pm – 7.30pm in school

How does it work?

You donate, we sell! With blazers, you can keep the proceeds or donate them for school funds. Proceeds from all other uniform items go to the school – a great bargain for buyers either way. Larger blazers are particularly helpful.

How do I donate?

Blazers / uniform should be

  • handed into the school office by lunchtime on the sale day
  • in good condition.


Blazers: please put a note with your donation to confirm sex / approximate size. If you want to keep the sale proceeds, you must also fill in our form for EACH blazer you donate and put it in the front pocket. The school office has copies or you can print a copy from here blazer form for sales 2015Please also put each blazer in a separate bag. IF YOU HAND IN A BLAZER WITHOUT A FORM WE WILL ASSUME IT HAS BEEN DONATED FOR SCHOOL FUNDS.

What will things cost?

Most blazers sold for £10-£20 last year depending on condition. Clothing depended on quality and condition but was still a fraction of the usual cost – most items were £1 each. Items in less good condition may be given away on the night. Leftover items will be kept for the next sale (if in v good condition) or donated for charity recycling. Thanks for your support!

Contact olm-parentcouncil@hotmail.com or 07810 541250 with queries. Our Lady of the Missions Parent Council

National Parent Forum-Focus Group

The National Parent Forum is inviting all parents to give feedback on whether CfE is meeting its / parents’ ambitions and expectations. Please come along if you are free to give your view.

Background from National Parent Forum: CfE aims to achieve a transformation in education by providing a coherent, more flexible and enriched curriculum, assessment and qualifications system from 3 to 18.

The introduction of new qualifications is part of this, with the aim
of reflecting the new style of learning, which places an emphasis on skills and knowledge and tests the understanding and application of knowledge as well as facts.

NPF would like to hear whether parents feel that CfE is achieving these ambitions for parents and children as they embark on their CfE journey.

Wednesday 29th April 7pm- MEARNS CASTLE HIGH SCHOOL

Minutes of Parent Council Meeting – 29 May 2014


Gillian Boyle, Anne Forsyth, Charlie Jamieson, Marie-Claire Darroch, Mary O’Reilly, Callum Houston, Karen Kelly, Clare Bowes, Cllr Waters, Cllr McCaskill, J. Taggart, C. James, J. Heraghty, R. Spooner, M, McAlpine, C. McCudden, G. Bhatti, J. McLachlan, Cllr Fletcher, N. Salim, J. Devlin, P. Hessett, L. Garety, R. O’Kane Continue reading Minutes of Parent Council Meeting – 29 May 2014

Minutes for the OLM Parent Council Meeting – 13th March 2014


Gillian Boyle, Anne Forsyth, Michelle Hynes, Charlie Jamieson, Gerry Devenney, Marie-Claire Darroch, Mary O’Reilly, Callum Houston, Karen Kelly, Clare Bowes, Cllr Waters, Cllr Robertson, Cllr McCaskill, J. Taggart, C. James, J. Heraghty, A. Friel, R. Spooner, M, McAlpine Continue reading Minutes for the OLM Parent Council Meeting – 13th March 2014

Minutes of Parent Council Meeting 30th January 2014


Gillian Boyle, Anne Forsyth, Michelle Hynes, Charlie Jamieson, Mary Moore, Gerry Devenney, Marie-Claire Darroch, Brendan Docherty, Jackie Devlin, Mary O’Reilly, Lesley Garety, Callum Houston, Karen Kelly, Gary Bhatti, Joe McLachlan, Peter Hesset, Christine McCudden, Clare Bowes, Josephine McGrotty, Nadia Salim, Cllr Waters, Cllr Fletcher, Cllr Montague, Cllr Robertson, Cllr McAskill, Cllr Wallace Continue reading Minutes of Parent Council Meeting 30th January 2014

Minutes of Parent Council Meeting 30th January 2014

Gillian Boyle, Anne Forsyth, Michelle Hynes, Charlie Jamieson, Mary Moore, Gerry Devenney, Marie-Claire Darroch, Brendan Docherty, Jackie Devlin, Mary O’Reilly, Lesley Garety, Callum Houston, Karen Kelly, Gary Bhatti, Joe McLachlan, Peter Hesset, Christine McCudden, Clare Bowes, Josephine McGrotty, Nadia Salim, Cllr Waters, Cllr Fletcher, Cllr Montague, Cllr Robertson, Cllr McAskill, Cllr Wallace Continue reading Minutes of Parent Council Meeting 30th January 2014

Minutes for the OLM Parent Council Meeting – 12th December 2013

Gillian Boyle, Anne Forsyth, Michelle Hynes, Judy Taggart, Catriona James,  Veronica Dowling, Charlie Jamieson, Mary Moore, Gerry Devenney, Marie-Claire Darroch, Roger Spooner, Brendan Docherty, Jackie Devlin, Mary O’Reilly, Lesley Garety, Maureen McAlpine, Callum Houston, Karen Kelly, Gary Bhatti, Amir Hussain, Angela Friel, Cllr Mary Montague, Cllr Ralph Robertson Continue reading Minutes for the OLM Parent Council Meeting – 12th December 2013

Minutes of Parent Council Meeting – 7th November 2013

Nadia Salim, Mary O’Reilly, Gillian Boyle, Anne Forsyth, Michelle Hynes, Judy Taggart, Clare Bowes, Catriona James, Cllr McCaskill, Cllr Robertson, Cllr Montague, Cllr Wallace, Joe McLachlan, Veronica Dowling, Charlie Jamieson, Paula Rogers, Mary Moore, Gerry Devenney, Marie-Claire Darroch, Christine McCudden, Roger Spooner, Brendan Docherty, Jackie Devlin, Josephine McGrotty, Peter Hessett, Jo Heraghty Continue reading Minutes of Parent Council Meeting – 7th November 2013

Minutes for the OLM Parent Council AGM – 19th September 2013

Anne Forsyth,  Gillian Boyle, Charles Jamieson, Veronica Dowling, Mary O’Reilly, Cllr Jim Fletcher, Lesley Garety, Clare Bowes, Josephine McGrotty, Catriona James, Christine McCudden, Cllr Vincent Waters, Cllr Gordon Wallace, Judy Taggart, Roger Spooner, Gerry Devenney, Joe McLachlan, Mary Moore, Callum Houston, Angela Friel, Jackie Devlin, Paula Rogers, Gary Bhatti, Amir Hussain, Peter Hessett, Cllr Ralph Robertson, Cllr Gordon McCaskill, Maureen McAlpine, Jo Heraghty, Karen Kelly, Marie-Claire Darroch, Nadia Salim Continue reading Minutes for the OLM Parent Council AGM – 19th September 2013

Minutes of Parent Council Meeting 11th September 2014



Minutes of the Our Lady of the Missions Parent Council AGM

11th September 2014


C. Jamieson, G. Boyle, A. Forsyth, M. O’Reilly, L. Garety, C. James, J. Taggart, R. Spooner, Cllr Waters, Cllr Robertson, Cllr McAskill, M. Moore, M-C. Darroch, C. McCudden, K. Kelly, F. McKean, C. McLaughlin, M. Cluckie, P. Hessett, G. Bhatti, M. Hynes, J. Heraghty, C. Bowes, J. Harkins, S. Morrison, E. Holland, J. McLachlan


 C. Jamieson explained that the Meet the Teacher evening had gone well. He said that a lot of work had been done in the new building over the summer and that the additional space was very welcome. There are plans to look at how best to use the building and changes would continue to be made in the allocation of space where necessary.

 The garden area has been cleared by the council and the Gardening Club has begun planting.  It was noted that it would be important to be mindful of local residents when large number of pupils are using this space.

 Additional works are planned to take place during the October break and  more work will be carried out after the breakthrough to the new building. The cafeteria will be replaced and the kitchen will be renewed as part of preparations for free school meals for p1 to 3 in 2015.

 C. Jamieson has put fire evacuation plans into every classroom, including for those pupils with additional needs.

 M. O’Reilly asked about whether there were any plans to freshen up the canopied area beside the P4 door. C. Jamieson replied that this would be painted.

 M. Moore asked about signs for the new building. C. Jamieson said that new signs had been ordered.

 J. Heraghty asked about the timeframe for the completion of the corridor. C. Jamieson replied that he had been in contact with R. O’Kane of ERC and that the tower was taking shape but that the project is running a few weeks behind schedule. It is hoped that this time will be made up and that the corridor will be completed by late November, early December. Cllr McAskill noted that it would be reasonable to expect that the time lost could be recovered.

 Discussions with ERC will include the issue of levelling the ground and any development of the land that might take place if there is any money left over from the original budget. C. Jamieson added that in view of the cost of creating the access road, it might be more cost-efficient to make use of the aggregate that has been brought in. The accounts will be scrutinized in October and in addition a capital bid has been submitted. There has been no problem with drainage at this stage.

 C. Jamieson spoke about the removal of one of the huts and noted that the ground was already prepared underneath. An all-weather play area could potentially be established there but this was just one idea of many that could be considered once we are in a position to start planning what is feasible for the area.  Applications will be made for additional grants to fund further development if necessary.

 R. Spooner asked whether a decision would be made on the capital bid before the current project was finished. Cllr Waters replied that a decision would not be made until after Christmas and that the work would be put out to tender anyway.

C. Jamieson was hopeful that there would be money left over as some savings had been made.

 C. Jamieson said that staff had been working hard to make the two buildings work. He said that children were enjoying having to queue for a shorter time for lunch and J. McGrotty added that there was a relaxed feeling and more time for staff to catch up with the children.

 J. Taggart asked whether there was any indoor space that could be used for wet plays. C. Jamieson replied that a rota could perhaps be put into place. The gym hall is used for packed lunches but the forum or ICT suite could be used. A covered outdoor area was also suggested.

 L. Garety asked about the children missing gym when the hall is set up for other activities. C. Jamieson said that teachers had been encouraged to take children outdoors for gym when the weather is suitable.

 R. Spooner asked about Woodfarm Pavilion. C. Jamieson said that this was no longer used.

Continue reading Minutes of Parent Council Meeting 11th September 2014

Parent Council AGM reminder-7pm Thursday 11 September 2014

All parents and carers are welcome to join the Parent Council. We represent the views of parents and carers at the school on all issues that affect our childrens’ experience. Please note the AGM is the only opportunity to join the group each year. Attendance in person is necessary under our constitution to join. Parents are however welcome to attend any other meeting as a non-member.

If there are too many potential members to ensure an effective and manageable group, a ballot will be held by Mr Jamieson. This will allow for an appropriate balance of experience and interests in the school.

If you have any queries, please contact us through olm-parentcouncil@hotmail.com or on our Facebook page (Our Lady of the Missions Primary School Parent Council) or contact Anne on 07952 251303.

Updated Parent Council Constitution

Our Lady of the Missions school is a co-educational Roman Catholic primary school serving the local community within East Renfrewshire.

  1. Name

The name of the association shall be the Our Lady of the Missions School Parent Council, hereinafter called the Parent Council.

  1. Functions and Objectives

The Parent Council is established in accordance with the Scottish Schools (Parental Involvement) Act 2006, (hereinafter called the Act).  Its functions are as described in the Act.

a)    Support School Management to improve the quality of education which the school provides, and develop and/or engage to their full potential all pupils whatever their abilities in line with the principles of the Curriculum for Excellence.

b)    Develop and engage in activities which support the education and welfare of all pupils

c)     Provide contact between the school, the Parent Forum (being parents, carers and guardians of pupils at the school, hereinafter referred to as the Parent Forum), prospective members of the Parent Forum and the wider community.

d)    Report on the Parent Council activities to the Parent Forum at least annually.

e)    Identify and represent the views of the Parent Forum

f)     Participate in the appointment of senior staff within the school as set out in the Act.

g)    Comply with any reasonable request made to it by the Head Teacher of the School or by the education authority for information relating to its exercise of these functions.

  1. Membership

Full membership of the council shall be open to:

a)    Self nominated members of the Parent Forum (whose children are currently pupils at the school) on an annual basis as decided at the Annual General Meeting. If more than 25 people are nominated, the Head teacher may at his or her discretion select those nominations that fairly represent the composite of the school.

b)    Members co-opted annually by the current members of the Parent Council, one of whom must be a denominational nominee.

c)     Teachers and support staff who are co-opted annually by the Parent Council.

Conditions of Membership:

d)    All members of the Parent Council must sign and abide by the Parent Council Code of Conduct.

e)    All members should aim to attend every meeting, and must not miss three consecutive timetabled meetings.

f)     New members are invited only at the AGM, once a year.

  1. Termination of Membership

a)    Membership of the Parent Council automatically terminates when all members’ children cease to be pupils at the school.

b)    Members of the Parent Council can resign at any time during the school year.  This must be made in writing to the Chair.

c)     Members who have missed three consecutive timetabled meetings as stated above will be regarded as having terminated their membership without notice being required.  The Chair will confirm this in writing to the member.

d)    Breaching the Parent Council Code of Conduct or undermining the objectives of the Parent Council will result in a noted warning from the Chair.  If a member continues to breach the Parent Council Code of Conduct and the objectives of the Parent Council, then their membership may be terminated by a majority of the quorum voting at a Parent Council meeting.  The Chair will confirm this in writing to the member.

e)    Any member who seriously breaches the Code of Conduct or critically undermines the objectives of the Parent Council may have their membership discharged with immediate effect, following a majority of the quorum voting at a Parent Council meeting.  The Chair will verify this in writing to the member.

  1. Office

a)    Only a person who is a (parent/carer or guardian) member of the Parent Council may hold any office position.

b)    The Chair, Vice Chair and any other honorary officers will be elected at the Annual General Meeting and when elected are expected to serve for a minimum of two years.

  1. Committees

The Parent Council may appoint such special or standing committees as it deems necessary and shall determine their terms of reference, powers, duration and composition.  All proceedings and decisions of such special committees shall be reported to the Parent Council.  The Parent Council reserve the right to reject or endorse any proposals or decisions made by such special committees.

  1. Meetings of the Parent Council

a)    All meetings of the Parent Council are open to all members of the Parent Forum and to the public, however, the Parent Council, including the Head Teacher, has the right to meet in private during discussion of any matter which the Parent Council considers should be dealt with on a confidential basis.

b)    All meetings will commence with a prayer.

c)     Individual cases relating to pupils, teachers or parents/carers or guardians at the school are not matters for direct Parent Council involvement.

d)    The Head Teacher whilst not a member of the Parent Council has a right and a duty to attend Parent Council meetings or to be represented at a Parent Council meeting.

e)    There will be an Annual General Meeting of the Parent Council in August or September.

f)     It is intended that notice of all meetings be made at least two weeks in advance of the meeting, to all members and to the Parent Forum subject to the activities of the Parent Council.  However, the Chair may elect to hold or reschedule a meeting with a lesser period of notice to Parent Council members for extraordinary or unavoidable circumstances with the assent of the majority of those present at such meeting (providing there is a quorum present).  In such circumstances, the requirement for notice to the wider Parent Forum will not be required.

g)    The quorum will be one quarter of the Parent Council membership, providing that the number of co-opted members in the quorum does not exceed the number of (parent/carer or guardian) members of the Parent Council.

h)    The Parent Council can invite others to participate in meetings.  They will not be entitled to vote on any issues before the Parent Council.

i)      Should a vote be necessary to make a decision, each full parent/carer/guardian member of the Parent Council at the meeting will have one vote, with the Chair having the casting vote in the event of a tie.

j)     When a significant issue arises which requires a decision from the Parent Council, which cannot be attained by consensus, the Parent Council may proceed on the basis of a vote result.  Where it is deemed appropriate that the views of the Parent Forum are required prior to a vote being taken then a questionnaire or other similar method to collect views should be undertaken.

k)    The Parent Council will meet at least once in every school term.

l)      Meetings are usually held on a Thursday evening in Our Lady of the Missions School at 7.00pm. 

m)   Dates of meetings are decided at the first meeting of the school session.

  1. Review Constitution

The Parent Council may review and amend its constitution subject to the approval of the majority of the Parent Council members at any Parent Council meeting that has a quorum.

  1. Dissolution of the Council

Should the Parent Council cease to exist, any administration funds will be passed to the education authority to be used for the benefit of the school. 


Adopted as true record on


Signed:                                                                        Signed:


Position:                                                                      Position:


Date:                                                                           Date: