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Classes 2017-2018

Classes 2017-2018
Class Teacher
1a Mrs J. Church/Mrs D. Meehan
1b Mrs J. Neil
1c Miss C. McKenna
1d Miss A. Kelly
1e Miss L. Ferris
2a Mrs N. Sannino
2b Miss L. Caldwell (NQT) + Mrs P. McGuinnity
2c Mrs LA McBride
2d Miss G. Quinn
2e Miss N. Dunn
3a  Miss C. Thomson (NQT) + Mrs C. Duns (DHT)
3b Miss E. Gavin + Mrs AM McNicol/Mrs R. McKendry
3c Miss M. Convery + Miss M. Harris
3d Mrs F. Mullan
4a Miss L. Jackson
4b Mrs K. Taylor
4c Mrs S. Burke
4d Mrs A. Copstick/Mrs W. Collins
5a Miss E. McCann
5b Mr D. McCrea (NQT) + Mr P. MacConnell
5c Mr P. McCann
5d Mrs L. Kennedy
6a Mrs F. Dissanaike
6b Miss S. Brew
6c Miss R. Lamb
6d Miss P. Walker
7a Miss H. Bruce (NQT) + Miss M. Kane (Acting PT)
7b Miss C. Collins
7c Mrs J. Kirkwood
7d Mrs C. Haveron/Mrs F. Bilsland


Dear Parents/ Carers,

It is great to see everyone returned safe and well after the festive break.


Parent Pay is now up and running in the school with great success. The majority of families have now signed up for this. Any family still experiencing difficulty signing up should contact the school office staff for advice and support.

How does ParentPay help You?

  • Provides the freedom to make payments to school whenever and wherever you like, enabling you to pay for school meals, school excursions and school items.
  • No longer a need to write cheques or send cash to school, ParentPay is quick and easy to use.
  • Helps with budgeting; payments are immediate; there is no waiting for cheques to clear.
  • Payments for many of the larger excursions can be made by instalments up to the due date.
  • With automated email alerts you will be notified when payments are due and when your child’s account has insufficient funds.

Robin Hood came to visit and the children had a brilliant time singing along to modern songs coupled with a classic tale.

Scots Fortnight
Our Scots Fortnight has been a great success with pupils enjoying the opportunity to experience a range of activities:

  • All stages from P1-P7 have enjoyed a visit to Celtic Connections
  • All pupils from P1-7 were entertained by Amy Lord, Scots Language/Song specialist
  • P6 pupils planned, prepared and delivered Scottish assemblies for the whole school
  • Pupils from P1- 6 participated enthusiastically in their stage Ceilidh organised by Miss McArdle
  • P7 pupils organised and performed at their very own Burns Supper!
  • Muscular Dystrophy Awareness Day

Primary 4 children took part in a ‘Go Orange for a Day’ to raise awareness of Muscular Dystrophy. Pupils wore something orange to school and brought in a small donation for Muscular Dystrophy UK. All classes participated in fun activities and raised £133.56 for this charity. Well done!!


Drop In Surgery
The ASN Drop In Surgery is proving very successful. Starting on 13th Jan, every two weeks, parents have the opportunity to pop in and have a chat with Mrs Cochrane, ASN Coordinator. The Drop In Session starts at 9.05 and finishes at 10.

Catholic Education Week
The Catholic Education Week theme this year is Developing as a Community of Faith and Learning. All stages will dedicate their learning to this during week commencing 12th-18th February. Pupils will be involved in the 10am Mass at St Joseph’s doing readings etc. on Sunday 19th February.

Yours sincerely

Josephine McGrotty HT Acting

Dates for the Diary 2017


1st P4/5 – Celtic Connections
10th In-Service Day- pupils do not attend school
13th, 14th, 15th Holiday
16th School re-opens
21st ,22nd, 23rd P1 and P7 Dental Inspections
1st Ash Wednesday
8th and 9th Parents’ Evening
11th/12th P4 Communion Enrolment Mass – St Joseph’s
14th P4 First Reconciliation – St Joseph’s
14th and 15th School Photographs- individuals/families
16th P4 First Reconciliation – Holy Name
16th P3 Stage Mass
20th P4 First Reconciliation – St Vincent’s
22nd P6 Easter Cantata
28th P7 National Entitlement Card photo session
29th P4 school trip – Edinburgh Zoo
31st School Closes – 2:30pm
3rd – 14th Holiday
17th Easter Monday Holiday- school closed
18th School re-opens
26th St Mirin’s Confirmation
30th Holy Name Confirmation
1st May Day Holiday
4th Election Day- school closed
5th First Friday Mass – P5
6th First Communion – St Joseph’s

P4a/d – 10am, P4b/c – 12:30pm

6th First Communion – St Vincent’s – 10am
7th First Communion – Holy Name
8th St Vincent’s Confirmation
14th First Communion – Holy Name
18th P2 stage mass
25th Sports Day
26th and 29th Holiday
30th In-service Day – pupils do not attend school
31st School re-opens
2nd First Friday Mass – P4
3rd Summer Fayre
27th School Closes – 1pm

Christmas 2016 Newsletter

There has been a wonderful atmosphere around the school as we have prepared for the Nativities. Thanks to all staff and pupils from P1-P5 for all their hard work and dedication– their performances were fantastic and certainly helped prepare the school community to celebrate Christmas.

P7 Enterprise Day
Thanks also the P7 staff and pupils for organising a whole day of activities, competitions and events for all pupils. A staggering £5, 270 was raised on the day which will be donated to various local and national charities including Syrian Refugees (via SCIAF), Nil By Mouth, Mary’s Meals, Age Scotland, SupERkids and Cosgrove Care. Well done!

The PSA have worked hard this term in organising Reindeer Day, PSA Fayre and selling tea towels at P1 and P7.

An overwhelming £7,000 was raised for school funds and will go towards Science workshops, subsiding school trips and buying playground games. A huge thank you to the PSA for all their hard work and to the school community for supporting these ventures!

Congratulations to:

  • Orlaith O’Donnell came 3rd in the road safety competition. Her brilliant drawing is included in the annual East Renfrewshire calendar. It can be found within the month of November.
  • Marwa Sattar received a highly commended certificate in the road safety competition.
  • Holly Cochrane was a runner up in Jackson Carlaw’s Christmas Card Competition.
  • Lily Cook won the Ashleigh Building Company Competition to design her dream house.
  • Badminton team is through to the Renfrewshire finals.

The Education Committee yesterday approved the recent consultation on proposed new arrangements to school admissions, the transfer of pupils from primary to secondary school and placing requests.

School admissions, pupil transfers from primary to secondary and placing requests will be administered in line with the new arrangements from January 2017 and beyond.  Any placing request applications for school places in academic session 2017-18 submitted before January 2017 will be processed in line with the new policy; there will be no need for parents/carers to submit another application.

As part of the changes to our arrangements, an online facility is now available for the submission of placing requests; please find the link below:


All parents/carers have now received their Activation Letter. All parents are requested to use our e-payment method to pay for dinner money, trips etc. This can be done online using a very secure website called ParentPay or in cash at local stores where you see the PayPoint Logo. This system is now live. The current cash machine will still be available to use for the moment for the children to top up lunch money.

Dates for Your Dairy

Thursday 5th January School reopens at 9am
Tuesday 10th January School Pantomime Robin Hood
Friday 10th February In Service Day- pupils do not attend
Monday 13th-Wednesday 15th February Mid-term break
Thursday 16th February School re-opens
Friday 31 March School closes at 2.30pm