Newsletter November 2016

Dear Parents/Carers
It’s great to see everyone back safe and well after the October break. I’m sure the mild and sunny weather has benefitted us all and we are ready for the lead up to our Advent activities!

The post of Head teacher will be re advertised in January 2017. In agreement with East Renfrewshire Council I will continue in post until Easter 2017 when it is hoped that the vacancy will be filled. May I take this opportunity to thank all staff, pupils and parents/carers for their continued support and I look forward to continuing to lead the school forward. Mrs Lucy Livingstone and Mrs Liz Broadley will join us on a part time and temporary basis. Both Maureen Cumming and Gillian Cummins leave us for maternity break and we wish them well!

 Parents’ Evenings
Our recent Parents’ Evenings were a huge success. The online system has worked well. A considerable amount of parents were unable to attend their appointment due to holiday commitments and family events. It is hoped that parents will note in their diary the dates for the next set of Parents’ Evenings: Wed 8th and Thurs 9th March 2017. After the parents’ appointments we sought parents’ views via a short questionnaire and these are the results:

My child’s learning is progressing well: 99.8% agree/strongly agree
My child is encouraged to work to the best of their ability: 99.8% agree/strongly agree
The school keeps me informed about my child’s progress through newsletters, twitter/website, end of year reports, parents’ evenings, curriculum afternoons and evenings etc: 99% agree/strongly agree

We warmly appreciate this positive endorsement of the hard work and commitment of all school staff in meeting the needs of our pupils.

October Devotions
Thank you to Miss Jackson, Mrs Mullan and the pupils of P7 who led our October Rosary Devotions. Thanks also to those families who regularly attended the Wednesday morning Rosary and who welcomed the opportunity to join as a faith community in prayer and reflection. As we move into November we will dedicate our assemblies to remembering our deceased relatives and friends.

Lockerbie Manor
Our P7 pupils enjoyed an exciting and action-packed week at Lockerbie Manor. We welcome them back to school and look forward to hearing about their wonderful experiences.

Curriculum Evening
Parents/carers are invited to attend a Curriculum Evening on Tuesday 15th November or Thursday 17th November from 6.00pm until 7.00pm. The schedule is as follows:
Tuesday 15th Nov               P1, 3, 5, 7              Language and Literacy
Thursday 17th Nov              P2, 4, 6                  Mathematics and Numeracy

Each stage will run two workshops/presentations on the evening from 6-6.25pm (Workshop 1) and 6.35-7.00pm (Workshop 2). Workshop 2 will be a duplicate of Workshop 1 so please feel free to attend either workshop on the night. This Curriculum Event is for parent/carers only and children should not attend.

Facebook / Social media
I would like to take this opportunity to remind parents/carers of the appropriate use of social media and ask that any comments regarding school or any matters concerning your child’s education/wellbeing are communicated in the usual way as detailed below:

P1- P2, Mrs Cochrane Acting DHT; P3, P6 and P7, Mrs Devlin DHT; P4 and P5, Mrs Cumming Acting DHT

Also, if you would like to take up the opportunity to ‘drop in’ for an informal chat with me, I would be delighted to meet with you on the first Monday of each month at the Head teacher’s Surgery from 3.30-5.00pm.

Daily Mile
P5 pupils have piloted the Daily Mile with great success. Feedback has been very positive and this will now be rolled out to pupils at the P4, P6 and P7 stages.

Informal Entry on Wet Mornings
Pupils in the main school may enter the school at 8.40am when it is raining. We ask that parents / carers do not accompany their children into the Mensa area as it is too congested.  Members of the management team will be there to supervise pupils.

Pupils in the junior department can also enter the school via the junior department main door at 8.40am.  Pupils should wait in the porch area until instructed to move by a member of staff.  Again pupils will be supervised during this time.

Walk to School Week
As part of Our Lady of The Missions’ Travel Plan, Eco School Action Plan and Junior Road Safety Officer programme we are organising a ‘Ride or Stride’ opportunity during Walk to School Week 21st-25th November. The ‘Ride or Stride’ initiative is aimed at encouraging children to walk or cycle to school, promote road safety and raise awareness of lower carbon emissions and thus help to protect our environment. During the ‘Ride or Stride’ week, members of staff will meet the children at Eastwood Recreation Centre at 8.40am and walk or cycle to school together, through Eastwood Park. We hope that you will support us by allowing your child to join us. Parents are welcome too! Our Lady of The Missions Travel Plan and Eco Action Plan are available on the School website.

ParentPay will be introduced next month. This online system allows for payment of trips, school meals, uniform etc. The new programme will take over from Payments for Schools. Parents will be able to check lunch balance etc. Further information on website.

Christmas Fayre
The PSA are busy finalising arrangements for the Christmas Fayre on Saturday 3rd December. They are appealing for volunteers to assist with various duties on the day and ask that parents contact them on their Facebook Page (OLM PSA) if you are able to help in any small way.

Severe Weather Contingency Plan
During periods of severe adverse weather the Council will endeavour to do everything in its power to ensure that schools remain open. However, should our school require to be closed, as much notice as possible will be given to parents. This may take the form of an email, memo in the school bag, and a notice on the home page of the school website or on twitter.

East Renfrewshire Council’s official website will also contain up to date information regarding the impact of the adverse weather conditions on Council services including schools.

Should the school require to be closed during the course of a school day; no child will be allowed to make their way home unsupervised. Parents, having been contacted by text, will be expected to make arrangements for pupils to be collected from the school. If you have recently changed any of your contact details, please inform the school.

Pupils who normally travel by school bus will be escorted to buses by school staff provided that this service is still operational, otherwise the children will remain in school until collected by an adult. If you require to telephone the school the main office telephone number is 0141 570 7280.

Nativity Concerts
Already we are beginning our rehearsals for out nativity plays this year which will be ‘I Spy Christmas’ for P1, ‘Wriggly Nativity’ for P2-3 and a Christmas Medley for P4/5. Concert dates are as follows:

9th December     P1a/b at 9.30am (tea will be served at 9.15am, followed by choir performance)

P1c/d at 11.30am (tea will be served at 11.15am, followed by choir performance)

P1e/f at 2.15pm (tea will be served at 2.00pm, followed by choir performance)12th Dec                Main Hall                Choir will lead the P2a/3a performance at 1.30pm, with Nativity performance at 2.00pm

13th Dec                Main Hall               Choir will lead the P2b/3b performance at 1.30pm, with Nativity performance at 2.00pm

14th Dec                Main Hall                Choir will lead the P2c/3c performance at 1.30pm, with Nativity performance at 2.00pm

15th Dec                Main Hall                Choir will lead the P2d/3d performance at 1.30pm, with Nativity performance at 2.00pm

12th Dec                Junior Hall            Brass perform at 1.00pm, P4a/5a performance at 1.30pm

13th Dec                Junior Hall            Woodwind perform (tbc) at 1.00pm, P4b/5b performance at 1.30pm

14th Dec                Junior Hall            Violins/cellos (tbc) perform at 1.00pm, P4c/5c performance at 1.30pm

15th Dec                Junior Hall            Guitars perform (tbc) at 1.00pm, P4d/5d performance at 1.30pm

Further dates for your diary:

19th/20th Nov       P7 Enrolment for Confirmation St Joseph’s

30th Nov                St Andrew’s Day- pupils wear a touch of tartan e.g. ribbon, kilt

3rd Dec                  School Fayre at 1.00pm

12th Dec                P7 Disco 7-9pm in school

16th Dec                P1-6 parties- pupils wear party clothes; P1 will have a visit from Santa!

19th Dec                P7 Enterprise Day- pupils wear their own clothes

20th Dec                Advent Assemblies in school

21st Dec                                Christmas Jumper day

21st Dec                                School closes at 2.30pm

Yours sincerely,
Josephine McGrotty Acting Headteacher