Tag Archives: information


First and foremost, we hope you had a peaceful and enjoyable festive season and wish you all the very best for a happy and healthy 2017. Here is a quick update from the Parent Council on what you can expect in the months to come:

ERC have now adopted a new admissions policy based on the 2016 consultation. This is subject to one small change. For 2 years, if St Ninian’s (only) is over subscribed at s1, the (general) order of priority for admissions will be those with a baptism certificate; children with siblings; and those from cluster schools. After 2 years, the second and third of those will be swapped. ERC will also take a tougher stance on fraudulent registration of catchment addresses and are encouraging East Renfrewshire residents to report information if this will assist them in doing so.

Whilst we acknowledge the consultation caused distress and uncertainty for many, we are reassured as a Parent Council that our numbers will now be capped and there is a way to resolve over capacity issues. We must now therefore move on together and ensure our school community continues to welcome and cherish all families and faiths.

Next year’s p1 applications have now been lodged under the new system. Please let the process take its course. It will take ERC time (as it always does) to work through the paperwork to determine the position and we appreciate this may be an anxious time for some who are waiting.

We look forward to working with the PSA in organising a celebration of our many cultures and nationalities. This is likely to be in August and will show how food, art and music can bring together generations and cultures. We successfully applied for lottery funding to support this event so it should be a great day! If you are interested in helping, please contact us on Facebook or by email (see below).

We recently supported play specialists “Grounds for Learning” in a day of consultancy to start planning future playground development. GFL consultant Stephen met with parents, staff and pupils and was particularly bowled over by the pupils’ enthusiasm. We look forward to developing this project with the PSA / school and hope you will support our efforts over time. First stop will be the creation of an outdoor classroom / picnic area, supported by Whitelee Development Fund, who we successfully applied for funding from and playground painting to brighten things up / create interesting areas for the children.


Remaining meeting dates:
23rd March (note change from 16th March)
18th May
22nd Jun

The Head Teacher’s role was advertised in the summer / autumn but no appointment was made. The post will be advertised again in spring and we are of course hopeful the process will be successful this time. Whilst it’s disappointing there is no appointment yet, our Chair has been fully involved in the process to ensure parents’ views are reflected. We are confident ERC wants an exceptional candidate to lead the school and is doing all it can. Continually advertising the job without a break would not be helpful. In the meantime, we continue to support Mrs McGrotty in her position as acting Head Teacher and thank her and her team for their hard work on our behalf.




Parents’ Evenings 8th and 9th March 2017 – Online Appointment Booking System

I would like to invite you to attend our Parents’ Evening on either Wednesday 8th March or Thursday 9th March to discuss your child’s progress.  The school is once again using the online appointment booking system. This allows you to choose your own appointment times with teachers and you will receive an email confirming your appointments.

Appointments can be made from Thursday 16th February at 7pm and will close on Sunday 26th February at 3pm. Should you wish to make any changes after this date please contact the school office. If you do not make an appointment online by this date, the school will allocate you an appointment from times that are left and notify you of this. If you do not have access to the internet, please contact the school office who will be happy to add appointments on your behalf. Please ensure you leave sufficient time to travel between appointments.

If your child is in Primary 1c – Mrs McNicol name will be listed as the teacher for booking purposes although Mrs Meehan will be conducting one of the evenings.

If your child is in Primary 2b – Miss McArdle name will be listed as the teacher for booking purposes only. Miss McArdle will be present at both evenings, Mrs Livingston will be present a one and Mrs Copstick at the other.

If your child is in Primary 2c – Miss Dunn name will be listed as the teacher for booking purposes only. Miss Dunn and Miss McCann will be present at each evening.

If your child is in Primary 4c – Mrs Sturgess name will be listed as the teacher for booking purposes although Mrs McKendry will be conducting one of the evenings.

If your child is in Primary 6b – Mrs Haveron name will be listed as the teacher for booking purposes although Mrs Pickering will be conducting one of the evenings.

If your child receives additional input from another member of the support team further details to follow.

Visit https://ourladyofthemissions.parentseveningsystem.co.uk to book your appointments.  Please note that the system is case sensitive.

Complete using the surname and forename of whoever is registered with the school as the main parent/carer and then Login with the following information:

Student’s First Name:             Student’s Surname:                   Student’s Date of birth:


Easter Cantata

Wednesday 22nd March
 Every year Primary 6 pupils perform an Easter Cantata at Eastwood Theatre and this year is no exception. They will be performing an Easter Cantata called ‘Miracle Man’ on Wednesday 22nd March at 1.30pm in Eastwood Park Theatre.  They will put in a lot of hard work to ensure that you enjoy their wonderful performance.

T Shirts –
The children will wear coloured T-shirts on stage. These will be ordered for every child from Academy Uniforms at a cost of £2.80 and payment should be made through ParentPay.

 Rehearsal – A rehearsal is being held in Eastwood Park Theatre on Tuesday 21st March, 10.00am – 2.00pm.  We will walk to Eastwood Park Theatre and return at  approximately 2.30pm.
Children will be required to bring a packed lunch on that day.

Similarly, on Wednesday 22nd March, the children will be at the theatre from 10.00am – 2.30pm for the rehearsal and actual performance. Packed lunch will be required.

 For the Cantata performance, boys are required to wear school or black trousers and black shoes. Girls should wear black leggings or trousers and black shoes. No joggers please.

 The cost of the ticket is £3.50 and payment for tickets should be made through ParentPay. Tickets can be picked up from the office or given to your child once payment has been made. At the moment, only 2 tickets per child will be allocated. Please complete the attached sheet.

Children cannot be taken home after the performance at the theatre but if you wish they can be collected from school.

There will be a collection at the door of the theatre with all money going to our Lenten Charities.

We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday 22nd March.


There is a survey that P2 and P3 parents can complete

For parents the prize is a personal Read, Write, Count Goodie bag filled with books, games and activities for all the family to enjoy.

The deadline to complete these is Tuesday 28 February. If you are a parent of a P2 or 3 child please also complete the parent survey too: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/FCP6MQN

Scottish Government has asked that the following information is passed to parents about the new parental involvement campaign, Future Me.  Please see attached leaflet and details below.

Read, Write, Count’s new parental engagement campaign, ‘Future Me’ launches on 20th February. Future Me, as part of Read, Write, Count, asks parents and carers to talk to their children to discover what their children’s hopes and dreams are, to share those dreams on our Future Me wall and make a promise to do all they can to help their child realise their ambitions. It’s about what’s important to the children of Scotland, and parents making a commitment to help their child imagine a great future and live out those dreams. Future Me’s wall will preserve those dreams, and build a picture of Scotland’s children’s hopes and ambitions – a country that believes every child has the right to succeed, regardless of their circumstances.

 A copy of the leaflet which will be delivered to schools during week commencing 20 February, is attached.


  Future Me will help parents understand that learning together is useful and purposeful, we want them to feel positive, confident and optimistic about learning together and to engage in their children’s learning journey. By taking part in Future Me together families become closer, the child feels supported by their parent and the parent feels empowered to make a lasting difference to their child’s future, whatever they imagine that to be.


Family Lenten Retreat – Sunday 5th March 3pm-4pm – (1st Sunday of Lent)

You and your family are warmly invited to a short Lenten Retreat led by Deacon Pat Doogan.

Deacon Pat will host the retreat with a short talk to Parents on leading their children through Lent. The children will

have their own supervised activities in the Lower Hall. The Retreat will finish with a family blessing  and each family will receive a personalised candle to take home. Teas/Coffees  and Refreshments will be served.

Please let us know if you would like to attend by emailing parentsinprayer@stjoseph’.co/ or text 07528655783. Please confirm number of children and age ranges. Thank you .


Dear Parents/ Carers,

It is great to see everyone returned safe and well after the festive break.


Parent Pay is now up and running in the school with great success. The majority of families have now signed up for this. Any family still experiencing difficulty signing up should contact the school office staff for advice and support.

How does ParentPay help You?

  • Provides the freedom to make payments to school whenever and wherever you like, enabling you to pay for school meals, school excursions and school items.
  • No longer a need to write cheques or send cash to school, ParentPay is quick and easy to use.
  • Helps with budgeting; payments are immediate; there is no waiting for cheques to clear.
  • Payments for many of the larger excursions can be made by instalments up to the due date.
  • With automated email alerts you will be notified when payments are due and when your child’s account has insufficient funds.

Robin Hood came to visit and the children had a brilliant time singing along to modern songs coupled with a classic tale.

Scots Fortnight
Our Scots Fortnight has been a great success with pupils enjoying the opportunity to experience a range of activities:

  • All stages from P1-P7 have enjoyed a visit to Celtic Connections
  • All pupils from P1-7 were entertained by Amy Lord, Scots Language/Song specialist
  • P6 pupils planned, prepared and delivered Scottish assemblies for the whole school
  • Pupils from P1- 6 participated enthusiastically in their stage Ceilidh organised by Miss McArdle
  • P7 pupils organised and performed at their very own Burns Supper!
  • Muscular Dystrophy Awareness Day

Primary 4 children took part in a ‘Go Orange for a Day’ to raise awareness of Muscular Dystrophy. Pupils wore something orange to school and brought in a small donation for Muscular Dystrophy UK. All classes participated in fun activities and raised £133.56 for this charity. Well done!!


Drop In Surgery
The ASN Drop In Surgery is proving very successful. Starting on 13th Jan, every two weeks, parents have the opportunity to pop in and have a chat with Mrs Cochrane, ASN Coordinator. The Drop In Session starts at 9.05 and finishes at 10.

Catholic Education Week
The Catholic Education Week theme this year is Developing as a Community of Faith and Learning. All stages will dedicate their learning to this during week commencing 12th-18th February. Pupils will be involved in the 10am Mass at St Joseph’s doing readings etc. on Sunday 19th February.

Yours sincerely

Josephine McGrotty HT Acting

Dates for the Diary 2017


1st P4/5 – Celtic Connections
10th In-Service Day- pupils do not attend school
13th, 14th, 15th Holiday
16th School re-opens
21st ,22nd, 23rd P1 and P7 Dental Inspections
1st Ash Wednesday
8th and 9th Parents’ Evening
11th/12th P4 Communion Enrolment Mass – St Joseph’s
14th P4 First Reconciliation – St Joseph’s
14th and 15th School Photographs- individuals/families
16th P4 First Reconciliation – Holy Name
16th P3 Stage Mass
20th P4 First Reconciliation – St Vincent’s
22nd P6 Easter Cantata
28th P7 National Entitlement Card photo session
29th P4 school trip – Edinburgh Zoo
31st School Closes – 2:30pm
3rd – 14th Holiday
17th Easter Monday Holiday- school closed
18th School re-opens
26th St Mirin’s Confirmation
30th Holy Name Confirmation
1st May Day Holiday
4th Election Day- school closed
5th First Friday Mass – P5
6th First Communion – St Joseph’s

P4a/d – 10am, P4b/c – 12:30pm

6th First Communion – St Vincent’s – 10am
7th First Communion – Holy Name
8th St Vincent’s Confirmation
14th First Communion – Holy Name
18th P2 stage mass
25th Sports Day
26th and 29th Holiday
30th In-service Day – pupils do not attend school
31st School re-opens
2nd First Friday Mass – P4
3rd Summer Fayre
27th School Closes – 1pm

Parent Equalities Forum: 19 January 2017 Minute

Present – Cllr Paul O’Kane, Janice Collins, Head of Education Services, Maureen Sneddon, Quality Improvement Officer.

Parent reps from Eastwood HS, Mearns Castle HS, Crookfur PS, St Cadoc’s PS, St Ninian’s HS, St Thomas’ PS, Neilston PS, Eaglesham PS. Teacher reps from St Mark’s PS, St John’s PS, St Cadoc’s PS, Braidbar PS, Giffnock PS, Mearns PS, Neilston PS

Apologies – Cllr Elaine Green Continue reading Parent Equalities Forum: 19 January 2017 Minute


As you know Primary 7 had an Christmas Enterprise Day and raised a great deal of money for charity. One of the charities they donated to was Mary’s Meals. They received a lovely letter of thanks.  Please read below.

Dear Staff & Pupils

On behalf of everyone at Mary’s Meals, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks for your recent donation of £1,000.00. We are so grateful for your support.

Every donation to Mary’s Meals, large or small, goes a long way to helping us reach more children with a nutritious daily meal in their place of education. We are delighted to be able to say we are now feeding 1,187,104 children – a figure which is a true testament to the many, many acts of kindness from donors all over the world. Together we are making child hunger a thing of the past.

Every individual child has their own unique story to tell about the difference Mary’s Meals has made to them. One of those children is Gilbert, from Malawi, who has benefitted massively from the generosity of supporters like you.

Gilbert is an orphan. His mother died after suffering from an illness and his father died in an accident while working as a fisherman. Gilbert doesn’t know what age he is.

Until recently, Gilbert often missed school, being forced instead to take whatever work he could find in order to earn just enough to survive.

However, since Mary’s Meals started feeding at Gilbert’s local school, Lirangwe Primary near Blantyre, his life has changed and he goes to school every day, where he is guaranteed a nutritious meal and is able to learn. Gilbert tells us that Mary’s Meals motivates him to stay at school and realise his huge ambitions. He says, “I want to study hard and become the President of Malawi, so I can develop this country and give food to my people, so that they will no longer suffer.”

 Thank you for the vital part you are playing in being able to offer hope to children just like Gilbert who often find themselves in very difficult circumstances. You are not only filling up empty stomachs, but also providing an escape route from poverty, giving children and their communities a lasting hope for the future.

Thank you for giving this precious gift.

Yours sincerely,

Magnus MacFarlane-Barrow

CEO, Mary’s Meals

Primary 1 Parents & Carers

Scottish Book Trust needs your help!

Every November, Scottish Book Trust gifts a free bag of books to every P1 child in Scotland to help them with their reading, writing and counting and to encourage them to develop a life-long love of books. Scottish Book Trust is asking parents and carers of children in P1 to complete a short online survey about the Bookbug Primary 1 Family Bag. Please click here to take part in the survey, which shouldn’t take more than 10 minutes to complete. Your feedback will help us to improve the Bookbug P1 Family Bag in the future and you could win a free bundle of books! The deadline for completing the survey is 10 February 2017.


Primary 7 St Ninian’s Cluster Visit Arrangements

Dear Parent/Carer

 Primary 7  St Ninian’s Cluster Visit Arrangements
Change of Dates and Times

 This term is a very busy and exciting time for our Primary 7 pupils. We were so delighted with the children’s efforts before Christmas in their fundraising enterprises for our Advent charities. It has been straight back into work and preparations for High School and the Sacrament of Confirmation.

As part of their cluster working, Primary 7 pupils will be visiting St. Ninian’s on the following dates – (Please note that the dates are different from the ones in your child’s diary.)

Rotation 4
Tuesday 21 Feb                 P7d and 17 from 7b
Tuesday 28 Feb                 P7d and 1 7 from 7b
Tuesday 7 March               P7d and  17 from 7b
Tuesday 14 March            P7d and  17 from 7b (stay for lunch)

Rotation 5
Tuesday 21 March            P7a and 8 from 7b
Tuesday 18 April                P7a and 8 from 7b
Tuesday 25 April                P7a and 8 from 7b
Tuesday 2 May                  P7a and 8 from 7b (stay for lunch)

Rotation 6
Wednesday 3 May             P7c and 7 from 7b
Tuesday 9 May                  P7c and 7 from 7b
Wednesday 10 May           P7c and 7 from 7b
Tuesday 16 May                P7c and 7 from 7b (stay for lunch)

  • The pupils will attend classes periods 2, 3 and 4 so we shall walk through Eastwood Park to arrive in St Ninian’s by 9.30am and will depart at 12.20pm except for the last visit.
  • On the fourth visit pupils will stay in the school for lunch (there will be the opportunity for pupils to purchase a school meal for £2.00, however, if they prefer they may bring a packed lunch). After lunch they will be given a short presentation about starting High School , a tour of the school, finishing their visit with a spiritual service. They will depart for Primary School at 2.20pm.