Parent Council Meeting- March 2014 minutes


Our lady of the Missions Primary School Parent Council

Minutes for the OLM Parent Council Meeting – 13th March 2014


Gillian Boyle, Anne Forsyth, Michelle Hynes, Charlie Jamieson, Gerry Devenney, Marie-Claire Darroch, Mary O’Reilly, Callum Houston, Karen Kelly, Clare Bowes, Cllr Waters, Cllr Robertson, Cllr McCaskill, J. Taggart, C. James, J. Heraghty, A. Friel, R. Spooner, M, McAlpine

Cllr Wallace, N. Salim, M. Moore, Cllr Fletcher, G. Bhatti, L. Garety, J. McLachlan

It was noted that P. Rogers had tendered her resignation from the Parent Council

  Approval of the Minutes for the January PC Meeting

Proposed- C. Bowes

Seconded- J. Heraghty

 Update on Transition

C. Jamieson explained that D. Leask had informed him that the tenders for the building work were in and were being scrutinised. He said that he did not yet know who the contractor would be and did not yet have a start date but that he had been advised that the start of the work would be imminent and that a perimeter fence for security was already being erected in the Robslee campus. He added that there  would be two ways to access routes from OLM to Glenwood without having to cut through Robslee.

Cllr Waters said that a winning bid had been chosen and that the details were being finalised.

C. Jamieson said that he had brought up with D. Leask the issue of the masonry bees at Robslee. He added that he hoped to visit the Robslee building again after Easter, when he would know what money was still available.

A. Forsyth drew attention to the reduced time for the building work to be completed.

C. Houston asked whether the school had been consulted about awarding the contract. Cllr Waters replied that procurement laws prevented that and that three officers judged the contracts. C. Houston went on to note that the school , had not therefore seen what was in the contract since it was a Design and Build contract that went out to tender. Cllr Waters said that although it was a Design and Build contract, it had a very detailed specification.

K. Kelly asked whether the contract had been awarded to the lowest bidder. Cllr Waters replied that there was a price/ quality balance. Cllr Robertson added that each bid would be marked on certain criteria which would have been included in the specification.

C. Houston emphasised the need for good quality and said that the building material would be important. Cllr Waters said that samples of the proposed building materials were often included with the tender. The contractor is picked from a council list. He expected that the tenders would be less than the budget.

K. Kelly noted the two different aesthetics of the OLM and Robslee buildings and queried how a building material would be chosen to blend the two together. Cllr Waters replied that that was the role of D. Leask, who has responsibility for all of the school buildings.

Cllr Robertson said that the bids would be checked to ensure that they meet the specifications. C. Houston noted that contractors could find a way round this in the way they write their tenders. C. Jamieson said that the drawings of the architect had been available and so the tender should be in line with what was asked for.

Cllr Waters explained that he had not seen the winning contract or the full specification but he envisaged that the clerking of the work would have to be a daily or weekly exercise. He also stated that agency staff could be used to prevent slippage.

R. Spooner asked about the clerking of the work. Cllr Waters replied that the clerk would check in with C. Jamieson. R. Spooner also asked whether the text of the winning bid would be available to view. He was told that it would not.

G. Devenney asked whether, in the system of the preferred list, a contractor could be removed if they failed to provide work of a suitable standard. Cllr Waters replied that they could.

A. Friel asked whether the new building would be given a new name. C. Jamieson replied that it would not be given a separate  name as such but that it would need to be identified  in some way so that the 2 areas of the campus could be distinguished from one another.

A. Forsyth asked about how the project would be delivered on time. C. Houston asked if there was a contingency plan if the work was not finished in time for August. He noted that there were still building procedures that would have to completed before work can begin. Cllr Waters replied that the time scale would be finalised after the award of the contract has been completed but that there might still be snagging work that will need to be completed after August. G. Boyle asked for more specific detail about what the snagging period might entail. Cllr Waters said that he anticipated only small jobs needing to be completed and that the  school would need to function round this work being finished. He added that if there is a delay and the tender is under budget, then there might be the finance available to get the project back on track.

C. Houston asked whether paying for acceleration would come out of the budget and whether that would be to the detriment of paying for other things. Cllr Waters explained that the way the capital budget works, any money not spent on the link corridor will go back into the pot and does not automatically refer to the school. However, a further decision at a political level could be made to allocate further funds if this was felt necessary / appropriate.

K. Kelly asked whether the contractor would be obliged to reinstate the landscaping as it is. Cllr Waters replied that some landscaping would probably be included. Cllr Robertson stated that if it was not included, the council would be able to do some landscaping work. He added that by the time of the last Parent Council meeting of the session in June,  there would be a better idea of whether the project was on track.

  Continue reading Parent Council Meeting- March 2014 minutes

Primary 5 Open Afternoons: Culture and Sport

Primary 5 will be showcasing the work that they have undertaken this term through a ‘Commonwealth’ theme. Dates are as follows:

Tuesday 17th June 13:45-14:45 for P5a and P5d 
Wednesday 18th June 13:45-14:45 for P5b and P5c 

Both events will take place in the P5 classrooms and children will share the skills and knowledge that they have developed in several areas of the curriculum this term.

Bannockburn P5

 P5a/b          Tuesday 10th June 2014
P5c/d            Wednesday 11th June 2014
As part of the Primary 5 Environmental Studies programme on the Scottish Wars of Independence, we have arranged a visit to Bannockburn. The children will take part in a workshop at Bannockburn Heritage Centre .
The classes will leave from school at 9.00am, accompanied by members of staff and return at 3.00pm.
There is a shop in the centre and we would recommend a maximum of £2, should you wish your child to purchase a souvenir.
The cost for the trip is £6, to include bus and workshop. The PSA will subsidise the remainder of the cost.
Please return the tear off slip with the payment.
.School uniform should be worn, including outdoor clothing suitable for weather conditions
.Packed lunch required
.£6 cost

Holmwood House Primary 3

Primaries 3a and 3c            Tuesday 3rd June 9.30am – 12.30pm
Primaries 3b and 3d            Tuesday 3rd June 12.00pm – 2.30pm
As part of our term 3 topic ‘The Local Area,’ we have arranged a visit to our original school home, Holmwood House in Cathcart, where we will be looking at the flora and the fauna in the grounds.
On our visit, the children will take part in activities in Holmwood House itself and also in the surrounding grounds.
Buses will leave school at 9.30 and return at 2.45.
Children should come to school dressed appropriately for the weather and outdoor activities
Children should bring a packed lunch, labelled and in a plastic bag for ease of disposal
Cost of the trip is £1 towards transport, the remainder being subsidised by the P.S.A.
There is a shop in the house and if you wish your child to buy a small souvenir, we would recommend a maximum of £2
If there are any changes to medical conditions / medications from the medical consent form you completed at the beginning of this session, please inform the school office
Any parent with an East Renfrewshire Disclosure /PVG Certificate who wishes to accompany the class please indicate on the slip below

Holmwood House Primary 2

Primaries 2a and 2b            Wednesday 4th June 9.30am – 12.30pm
Primaries 2c and 2d            Wednesday 4th June 12.00pm – 2.30pm

As part of our term 3 topic ‘The Local Area,’ we have arranged a visit to our original school home, Holmwood House in Cathcart.
On our visit, the children will take part in activities in Holmwood House itself and also in the surrounding grounds – story telling, scavenger hunt, mini beast hunt and more.
Buses will leave school at 9.30 and return at 2.45.
Children should come to school dressed appropriately for the weather and outdoor activities
Children should bring a packed lunch, labelled and in a plastic bag for ease of disposal
Cost of the trip is £1 towards transport, the remainder being subsidised by the P.S.A.
There is a shop in the house and if you wish your child to buy a small souvenir, we would recommend a maximum of £2
If there are any changes to medical conditions / medications from the medical consent form you completed at the beginning of this session, please inform the school office
Any parent with an East Renfrewshire Disclosure /PVG Certificate who wishes to accompany the class please indicate on the slip below

A Guide for Primary 1 Parents

Induction Day
Tues 10th June                1b and 1c
Wed 11th June                   1a, 1d and 1e
Please bring children to school at 1.40pm. They will be escorted to their class to meet their class teacher and participate in class-based activities.
They will return to their parents at 2.40pm.
Primary 1 First Day Arrangements             Wednesday 13th August 2014
Due to the large number of children starting P1, it would be helpful if, on the first day, you brought your child to school at the following times:
9.15am        –          P1a, 1d and  P1e
9. 35am       –          P1b and P1c
Please note that parents only will be allowed into class on this first day.
The School Day
On subsequent days, your child will follow the normal school day as follows:
School begins             –         9.00am (informal entry from 8.50am)
Morning interval          –        10.40am—10.55am
Lunch break – 12.35pm—1.30pm
Afternoon interval  –   2.15pm—2.25pm (first few weeks)
School ends –   3.10pm (pack up bell at 3.05pm)
Children travelling by bus will be escorted to their bus by a teacher.  If your child is walking home then please collect them at the Primary 1 entrance.
All our pupils are encouraged to wear  school uniform:
Boys—Grey sweatshirt/jumper, blue shirt/polo shirt, grey trousers
Girls—Navy sweatshirt/cardigan, blue shirt/polo shirt, navy skirt/pinafore
School tie, blazer/navy school fleece or dark jacket
Black shoes
 At the beginning of P1 you will receive a memo with details of PE days.  For PE your child should have: dark shorts, t-shirt and soft shoes (these can be kept in a shoe bag).  Your child will also have one outdoor PE session and so for this they would require trainers, dark jogging trousers and a warm top.
Please ensure your child’s name is on EVERY piece of clothing, shoes, bag etc.

We advise that all P1 children should have a packed lunch for the first few weeks.  As a Health Promoting School, we encourage parents to provide a healthy lunch, including a drink.
When ordering a hot lunch, East Renfrewshire Council operate a cashless lunch system.  You will receive information regarding this on the pupils’ Induction Day in June.  Please go to for more information.
When your child comes to school they will learn many new things.  It may help them to settle if they can do some of the following:-

How to help your child prepare for Primary 1

  • Go to the toilet alone
  • Change clothes for PE
  • Manage buttons, zips etc.
  • Share crayons, pencils etc.
  • Recognise their  name Listen to others
  •  Take turns in games
  •  Know days of the week, colours

Parental Concerns
From time to time you may have questions about some aspects of your child’s schooling.  If this is the case, simply phone the school and ask for an appointment either with the class teacher or with Mrs McGrotty DHT. 
In addition there are 2 Parents’ Nights during the year as well as a ‘Meet the Teacher Day’ and a Curriculum Afternoon. You will be notified of the dates of these in due course.
If your child is absent, please  let us know by phoning the school as early as possible on the first day of absence.
On the first day of term you will be asked to confirm pick up arrangements for the end of day.
It is important that if there are any changes to pick up arrangements you inform the school as soon as possible.

Health Week – Monday 19th May – Wednesday 21st May

Next week is our annual Health Week in the school.  A number of activities have been planned including cookery demonstrations, electrical safety talks, a visit from a farmer and the “Riderz Stunt Team” to name just a few.  It would be very helpful if your child had their P.E kit and a full water bottle at school on these days. Continue reading Health Week – Monday 19th May – Wednesday 21st May

Primary 7 Edinburgh Trip

Primary 7 visited the Scottish Parliament and the National Museum of Scotland. They learned about how the Parliament was formed and visited the debating chamber where many of the decisions that help to form Scottish law are made. At the National Museum of Scotland they learned about the history of Scotland and other ancient civilisations. They took part actively in a range of science experiments from the natural world to space and technology.



Primary 1 Visit to Giffnock Library

Dear Parent/Carer
1d        Monday 19th May                   1.00pm
1a        Tuesday 20th May                  10.30am
1b        Wednesday 21st May           1.00pm
1c        Wednesday 21st May              10.30am
We would like to walk our Primary 1 classes to Giffnock Library on the above dates (weather permitting).
We will use the emergency information provided on the Medical Consent Form submitted at the start of the year. Please inform school office of any changes.
We would be delighted to have parents with a PVG / East Renfrewshire Disclosure to accompany us.

P6 Visit to the Glasgow Museum of Religious Life

 P6a     Tuesday 3rd June
P6b     Thursday 5th June
P6c     Thursday 12th June
P6d     Tuesday 17th June
We have arranged a visit to the Glasgow Museum of Religious Life to take part in an introduction to the museum and to world faiths with a specific focus on Islam. We shall also visit Glasgow Cathedral.
Weather permitting, we hope to walk around the grounds of the Cathedral and the Necropolis.
The children will leave the school by coach at 9:30 am and return at 3.00pm.
School uniform to be worn
Packed lunch required
Cost of trip is £4, towards the cost of transport and a donation to the Cathedral, the remainder being subsidised by the P.S.A.
There are small gift shops at the venues, if you wish your child to buy a souvenir we would recommend a maximum of £2
If there is any change in medical conditions/medication/contacts, from information given at the start of term, please inform school office
We would be delighted to welcome parents with an East Renfrewshire Disclosure or PVG Certificate to accompany us. Please complete the tear off slip below

‘Give Me Cycle Space’ The Riderz

East Renfrewshire is backing the nationwide Give Me Cycle Space campaign and as part of the programme, primary pupils have been treated to a stunning display of riding from one of the country’s top stunt teams.
We are delighted the Give Me Cycle Space campaign and The Riderz have been visiting East Renfrewshire, not only to pass on sound safety advice but also to entertain the young people with daredevil cycle stunts.”
The RIDERZ will be visiting our school on Tuesday 20th May and we ask that ALL the children in Primary 6 who are taking part in BIKEABILTY bring their bikes to school on that day.