Newsletter 21st May 2014

A few pieces of information before our long weekend.

 Congratulations to our First Communicants who received the Sacrament at three beautiful Masses in St Vincent’s and St Joseph’s last weekend. Very moving occasions as always, for parents particularly. Well done to everyone. A truly joyous occasion for the school and the parishes. We look forward to First Communion in Holy Name Parish this weekend.

 Further congratulations to Mr Docherty who was appointed depute head teacher at interview and who will continue to have responsibility for the Junior Dept (P4 & P5), and will ensure the smooth transition to the adjoining building (Robslee) come August.

 Work will begin next Monday 26th May by Clark Contracts who have been awarded the contract to build the link corridor between now and November – a twenty-six week project.

 May I assure everyone that the school will continue to be fully operational until the end of term with minimum disruption. Major activity will take place during the summer holidays.

 The contractors will be accessing the site via a temporary road leading in from the Robslee staff car park/Glenwood Nursery entrance area. – see school website for plan. Extra vigilance will be required if you make use of the path to the rear of the school leading down from Glenwood and Robslee. Risk assessments have been carried out and vehicular movement will be closely managed/halted particularly at opening and closing times etc. Initial work will involve erecting fencing, laying in temporary access road and site facilities. Our main school parking and drop off arrangements should not be affected.

 Further, regular updates will be issued as work commences. Information will also be posted on the school website.

 As indicated previously, P4 and P5 stages will be located in the adjoining building and this is the final year of three streams at primary seven. We will become a fully functioning four stream school in August. There will therefore be four classes at each stage and the extra 8 classrooms and additional facilities will make a huge difference to the teaching and ancillary spaces available.

 P1 next session will comprise of five smaller classes of 23/24 pupils due to government guidelines on staff/pupil ratios, and those five classes will then be re-configured at the end of the session into four classes of 30 in P2/P3 and 33 P4-P7, hence a four stream school.

P1 ratio                        1:25
P2/P3 ratio                  1:30
P4-P7 ratio                  1:33

School Fete
The PSA continue to seek donations for the Summer Fete scheduled to take place on Saturday 7th June. The Matthew Carney Memorial Trophy football competition will also take place in the all weather pitches next to the school on the same afternoon.

 School Sports Day
Further information will follow regarding our annual Sports Day which is due to take place on Thursday 19th June at Woodfarm Playing Fields – save the date.

Our school will be used as a polling station for European Elections on Thursday 22nd May and will therefore be closed. The school will remain closed for the May weekend break and In-Service day for staff. We will re-open on Wednesday 28th May at the usual time.

 Thank you for your continued support. Have a lovely May weekend.

 Yours sincerely,

 Charles Jamieson
Head Teacher