Nadia Salim, Mary O’Reilly, Gillian Boyle, Anne Forsyth, Michelle Hynes, Judy Taggart, Clare Bowes, Catriona James, Cllr McCaskill, Cllr Robertson, Cllr Montague, Cllr Wallace, Joe McLachlan, Veronica Dowling, Charlie Jamieson, Paula Rogers, Mary Moore, Gerry Devenney, Marie-Claire Darroch, Christine McCudden, Roger Spooner, Brendan Docherty, Jackie Devlin, Josephine McGrotty, Peter Hessett, Jo Heraghty
Callum Houston, Angela Friel, Brian Hughes, Maureen McAlpine, Karen Kelly, Lesley Garety, Gary Bhatti
Approval of the Minutes for the September PC Meeting
Proposed- J. Taggart
Seconded- P. Rogers
A. Forsyth explained that parents had not been given the required two weeks notice of the date of the PC meeting. A vote was then taken to approve the meeting taking place at short notice. Continue reading November 2013 Parent Council Minutes