Tag Archives: Parents

S4 Work Experience

To date we have 102 pupils out of 211 who have found themselves a placement for Work Experience Week.  Well done! 

Of these 102, pupils 69 have been booked on Work-it. 

Pupils will soon be issued with logon details for the Work-it Database where they will have access to placements available. 

These details will be issued through your PSE class in the near future.

Miss Oram has a list outside her office showing whose form has been returned to the school. 

Please check this list and if you think we should have your form but your name is not showing this please speak to either Miss Oram or Mrs Steen in the office.

PTA quiz raises £1000

A GREAT BIG thank everyone who helped make our annual quiz night on Friday May 16th such a huge success.

Whether you contributed a raffle prize, helped at the bar, sold raffle tickets, sold quiz tickets or simply turned up and had a great time your contribution was vital in helping us raise almost £1000.

Thanks also to Steven Sorley for setting the quiz – who knew that hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia was a fear of long words.

The money will be wisely spent on projects which have been put forward by both pupils and teachers to help make being a pupil at MCHS such an enjoyable experience.

Equalities Forum

The last Equalities Forum of session 2013/14 will take place on Thursday 15 May at 7pm in Eastwood High School.

 The format will be different from the usual Forum in that it will be an opportunity for those attending to hear from a few schools about the excellent practice which has been going on in the area of Equalities. There will also be some display materials from schools on show.