Tag Archives: Head Boy/Head Girl

Head Boy/Head Girl Application Form

Dear S6

I hope this email finds you and your families well and settling into your new courses and on-line learning.  As I have said previously, S6 is an exciting year with lots of opportunities for you to take on additional responsibilities and enhance your personal skills and qualities. I am really impressed by the number of you who have already signed up to different aspects of Community Involvement, Buddying, Mentoring, and the Academic Family. In addition to these opportunities, a number of you have been asking about the applications process for Head Boy and Head Girl.

As with everything else at the moment, we want to keep these traditions going, but we will just have to manage them in a slightly different way: I have attached a link to the application form to be filled in by anyone who is interested in the main Pupil Leadership Roles – Head Boy/Girl. As a first step, those interested should complete this form by Friday 5 June. All applicants will then be asked to submit a video outlining your reason for putting yourself forward and information on what you will bring to the role (further details to follow). The video should be no more than four minutes in length and will be in lieu of you making a speech to the year group. Please wear uniform in the video.

Your application form and video should give a clear indication of your commitment to the school and to Sixth Year and will be shared with the year group and school staff for voting purposes.

Based on application forms, speeches and votes from staff and pupils; candidates will then be selected for interview. As I have said, I have been really impressed by your engagement and willingness to become involved in these wider school activities and I now look forward to receiving you applications for Head Boy and Head Girl.

Please access the Form below by using your Glow email address.
application form

Best wishes
Mrs. Mitchell

Head Boy/ Head Girl Applications 2018

The schedule for all applicants will be as follows;

Monday 4th June 2018 Closing date for applications for post(s)
Tuesday 5th June 2018 Nominations opened to staff
Wednesday 6th June 2018 (periods 5 & 6) Nominee speeches (all nominees)*
Thursday 7th June 2018 Candidates selected for Interview**
Monday 11th June 2018 Head Boy/ Head Girl Interviews
Monday 11th June 2018 Results announced and posted on school website

*All nominees are expected to make a speech at this time. Speeches will be attended by the S6 Year Group as well as staff and will take place in the dining hall periods 5 &6

**Candidates should check the S6 base for notification as to whether they have been selected for the final interview stage. Results will be posted by 2:30pm on Thursday 7th June.

Please note that in keeping with previous years there is a short timeframe. This is on account of several S6 events/ experiences taking place at this time and to ensure everyone who wishes to apply can do so.

For a copy of the application form please click here

Please fill out the form carefully and return it to the school office no later than Monday 4th June.