Tag Archives: Free School Transport


What our free school transport policy says :-

The policy says that we will provide your son or daughter with free school transport for one morning journey to school
and one return journey at the end of the school day if your son or daughter:

  • Lives more than 2 miles away from his or her local primary school by the shortest, safe walking route
  • Lives more than 3 miles away from his or her local secondary school by the shortest, safe walking route
  • Lives more than one mile away from his or her local primary school by the shortest, safe walking route and is in
    receipt of both a clothing grant and free school meals
  • Lives more than 2 miles away from his or her local secondary school by the shortest, safe walking route and is in
    receipt of both a clothing grant and free school meals
  • Lives more than one mile away from his or her local primary school by the shortest, safe walking route and has at
    least 3 older siblings attending the same primary school
  • Has been recommended on health grounds for free school transport by a designated medical officer
  • Has been assessed by psychological services to attend a particular school
  • Has to walk a route to school which after taking advice the education department considers unsafe

For an application form including full details click here.