Category Archives: Legal Services

Insight into Legal Industry and Commercial Law Firm

CMS is committed to education and social mobility and supporting young people across the UK. The COVID-19 pandemic is creating significant challenges and we know that many young people are no longer able to access information and insight into the world of work or some of the employability skills training that is offered by employers year round. We hope that the Hub will continue to support young people in secondary school education during this challenging time, and beyond. The Hub will be regularly updated with additional content, with the next phase of skills based videos to be launched in late Summer.

You can access the Hub here.

Certificate in Criminal Law and Procedure – distance learning

City of Glasgow College is now offer a ‘Certificate in Criminal Law and Procedure’ distance learning.

The course is designed for anyone wishing to enhance their current professional learning portfolio, or perhaps simply learn more about Scottish Criminal Law and the Procedure. The course could also be potentially useful for any school students currently looking to enter a career in Legal Services, it could assist them to ‘stand out from the crowd’ and may enhance their future applications.

Full details on the distance learning course are found here and a flyer is attached. Please feel free to forward this onto anyone you feel may be interested.