Category Archives: Donations

Christmas Hamper Appeal

Many thanks to everyone who contributed to the Christmas Hamper Appeal. A number of filled Hampers were delivered to relatives and neighbours within the local area. We were also able to make a sizeable donation to the East Renfrewshire Food bank based in Barrhead. They were delighted to receive such a generous donation at this time so well done to everyone who donated.

A big thanks also to all the pupils who helped prepare the Hampers for delivery.

Police Scotland Youth Volunteers – Collection For Christmas Hampers

Over the next two weeks we are asking for pupils/staff to donate food items for Police Scotland Youth Volunteers. We have pupils involved in this group and they have asked the school to support this activity. Once collected, the group will make up Christmas hampers to be distributed to elderly people in the community.

Pupils who are able to donate items should bring them into school and put them in the boxes at the Deputes’ office.


Thank you