Home Learning

All Mearns Castle High School young people have access to learning materials at home via GLOW, https://glow.rmunify.com/ – using their glow username and password.

Our school website also contains lots of information and teaching materials under the departmental tabs.


There are a variety of resources in these online platforms including notes, PowerPoints, website links, past papers and revision materials. We are continuing to add to these online resources on an ongoing basis. Young people should make full use of them.

Many young people in senior classes (S4-S6) already make use of the excellent online resources on the Scholar website for selected subjects, which can be accessed via Glow as can ClickView player. This contains a huge library of education video and online tutorials to support learning. Websites such as BBC Bitesize also contain valuable resources. These should continue to be utilised along with existing materials.

The school twitter account will continue to be updated with relevant information.        @mearnshigh