Category Archives: What’s New?


It’s OK to take some time out to take care of yourself. All work and no play is not healthy.

Grab a cuppa and a biccy and see if any of these books might just be the kind of thing you need right now.


Let me know if there are any other titles you would like to see on the powerpoint or if you would like me to keep any titles aside for when we get back.

Take care, Mrs Baird

Nat 5 History

Reading around a topic can be a really useful aid to remembering key events – personalising what you have been studying.

If you are studing History at National 5 level or just like some of the subjects covered – this powerpoint might be of use to you.

nat 5 hist

Please note that some of the titles include mature content reflecting the subject matter and time periods studied.

Let me know how you get on and if there are any other books you think should be added.

Take care,

Mrs Baird

Get off that screen and relax.

Too much time on screen is no good for anyone – why not take even a couple of minutes to refocus and recharge – don’t worry the screens will still be there waiting for you when you are done. And you never know – you might even enjoy it – shock horror!


Of course, I would suggest get all comfy and read a book but if you only have a couple of minutes that might not be the best solution – why not try a bit of meditation?

If you have never tried it then don’t dismiss it – what have you got to lose?

Here is a 1 or 2  minute meditation prompt that you can easily incorporate into every day and not just #getoffyourscreen Thursdays.

Here we go…

Save your work and close your device, preferably put it in another room.

Get comfy – on a chair, your bed, the floor. Make sure that you are the right temperature, if not you will get too easily distracted.


Sit still with your eyes closed, and count slowly from 1 to 10. If any thought comes into your mind, immediately go back to 1. Watch for even the smallest thought. It is a matter of self trust ,even the teeny tiniest thought, even a sound, even thinking about the numbers… you need to go back to 1.

This exercise should help you regulate your thoughts and encourage a state of calm.

Dont worry about “getting it right” – there is no right. It is the process that is important.

If you found this to be of benefit then why not make this part of your daily routine. Taking care of your mental health is just as important as your physical health.

 Top tip: this might be nice to try before bedtime if you have trouble falling asleep.


Take care,

Mrs Baird



Modern Studies – great reads for S2 and S3
