Tag Archives: Parent Groups

Coffee and Chat Sessions

Thank you to all parent’s who recently attended Texa Playroom Coffee and Chat with Miss Erskine and Miss Darroch and those who attended Blue Group Coffee and Chat with Miss March.

An evaluation form has been issued, please ensure you return the form. We value your comments and suggestions and take these into account when planning future events at IMFC.

Our next Coffee and Chat will be hosted by Miss McNeill who is key worker for children in the yellow group. Please come along on Friday 8th November at 9am or 1.15pm – you will be made most welcome!



Please make note of a few minor alterations to the yearly planner given out mid September:-

 Texa Playroom Coffee and Chat will now be held at 1pm on Monday 21st October

  • Blue group Coffee and Chat will be held at 9am and 1pm on Thursday 24th October
  • Yellow group Coffee and Chat will be held at 9am and 1pm on Friday 8th November and at the same time on Thursday 3rd April
  • Visual Screening has been rescheduled for Thursday 7th November

 All other dates remain unchanged

Parent Eco Meeting

All parents and carers, grandparents, childminders and friends of Isobel Mair Family Centre are invited to attend an introductory Eco parent meeting.

The meeting will be lead by Mrs Quaile who will discuss aspects of our Eco Schools work. Mrs Quaile will be looking for parental helpers to join the Eco Team to help ‘push’ our Eco Schools work forward.

The meeting will be help in the Family Centre at 11.15am and again at 3.15pm on Wednesday 2nd October. If you are interested, please let Mrs Quaile know you will attend.

Many Thanks.

Quick Stitches!

Our very first Quick Stitches Sewing Group took place last week. Staff and parent’s (well, there was one!) worked together to create an array of colourful sashes in preparation for our Graduation Celebration Ceremony which will take place on Thursday 13th June.

The second Quick Stitches Sewing Group is happening tomorrow (Tuesday 11th June) in the Family Centre during the afternoon. If you would like to pop along and join in, please don’t hesitate!