Tag Archives: Mini Kickers

Mini Kickers Sessions

Mini Kickers Sessions will begin on Wednesday 1st February for our morning children. The sessions will be hosted within the FC and you do not need to book a place – all children will be encouraged to participate throughout the 6 week block. The morning session Sports Coach is Ally MacRae.

Sessions for our afternoon children will take place on a Friday, beginning on Friday 3rd February. Again, there is no need to book a place. The Sports Coach for the afternoon session is Connor Davidson.

Mini Kickers

Our Sports Coordinator will be visiting the Family Centre every Wednesday for the next 4 weeks (starting on Wednesday 15th January)  to give all children a block of Mini Kickers taster session.

Please ensure your child has the appropriate clothing on this day as we will be outdoors.

I am sure the children will enjoy this experience….here are a few photographs from the first Mini Kickers session on Wednesday 8th January……