Zoe would like to say a huge ‘Thank you’ for all the best wishes, cards and tokens of appreciation she was given on Thursday. Zoe had a lovely last day at IMFC and we all wish her the very best for the future.
On Monday we welcome Miss Fay Hunter to the Cara playroom. Fay will become key worker to the yellow group until such time as the permanent position is filled following interviews on 15th December.
Miss Linsay Thomson, current key worker to the red group was delighted to be informed we are now able to maintain her temporary position until July 2016. This means Linsay will stay as key worker to the red group until the end of term.
In addition, we are thrilled that we have been informed of an short term budget becoming available, enabling us to recruit two additional CDOs. Lorraine Kerr and Colette Graham will begin their new posts within the FC on Monday. Colette is well known within the centre as she was our Modern Apprentice previously and continued in role of wraparound assistant. Lorraine comes to us from Isobel Mair School we are delighted to welcome both.
If you have any questions about the staffing changes please speak to Donna Aileen or your child’s key worker.