Tag Archives: IMFC Team

New Faces!

Please say a quick hello to the new faces in the Family Centre!

Emma Lowe has joined us as a Modern Apprentice and will be supporting children in the Cara playroom. Emma will be with us every day apart from Thursday’s. Emma is studying towards her Early Education and Childcare qualification and we are delighted she has joined the team.

Another new face this week is Elif Kilit who is here just for one week on work experience placement from Woodfarm High School. Elif will be based in the Texa playroom and will be supporting play and development with children.


Good Luck Mrs Grey

Mrs Laura Grey has been a temporary Pupil Support Assistant with us since 2012. Laura was due to finish with us on Tuesday last week to take on a temporary Child Development Officer post at a local Family Centre.

There was a last minute change of plan on Tuesday after Laura was interviewed for a permanent Child Development Officer post at Busby Nursery Class. Laura was delighted to accept the offer of permanent employment and looks forward to taking on her new role on Monday 11th May. Laura will now stay with us at IMFC with her ‘new!’ last day planned as Friday 8th May.

We are currently in the recruitment stages for Laura’s temporary post within the Texa Playroom and we will let you know who the new member of staff will be as soon as we know ourselves.

We wish Laura every success in her new role at Busby, we will miss you!

New faces at IMFC

Following the September weekend holiday we welcome two new faces to the IMFC team.

Gayle McMillan will be starting a 12 week placement within the family centre as she works towards her Child Development Officer qualification.

Katie Nelis will also start in Cara playroom. Katie joins us from her local secondary school and will be completing four days work experience.

Please introduce yourself and your child to our new team members.