Category Archives: Parent Consultation

600 Hours Consultation

East Renfrewshire Council currently provides 570 hours per year of preschool education to all 3 & 4 year olds whose parents wish it.  From autumn 2014, the Scottish Government is proposing that all councils should offer 600 hours of early learning and childcare to all 3 & 4 year olds. It is the intention of East Renfrewshire Council for session 2014-2015 to extend nursery sessions by ten minutes for all children. It is hoped that by 2015-2016 it will be possible to offer parents a more flexible service.

 We are seeking your views so that a model of provision can be devised to best meet the needs of our parents and families within Isobel Mair Family Centre.

 You are invited to respond by giving your views, suggestions or concerns.  

To participate in this consultation we ask that you complete and return the consultation form. Paper copies of this form are available from the Depute Head of Centre Office, extra copies are available on the parent information table in the foyer. Or click on the link below, print at home and return.

600 Hour Parent Consultation

Thank you for taking the time to participate in this consultation.



Parent Consultation Meetings

Parent Consultations are well underway and all parent’s should now have chosen a time slot to suit on the day of their key group or playroom consultation.

If you have not yet chosen a consultation time, please speak with your child’s key worker – they will be happy to help.

Parent consultation is a very important aspect of the work we do at IMFC however please do not feel you have to wait for this meeting before speaking to staff about any issues, concerns, suggestions or indeed compliments. We are always available to listen and discuss any aspect of your child’s care and or education.