Category Archives: Lamba

Christmas Jumper Day at IMFC!

Today we wore our Christmas themed jumpers to help raise awareness and help to transform lives around the world – from children caught up in conflict in countries like Syria, to families living in the shadow of the Ebola crisis in West Africa.

We have collected just over £100.00 for the charity and we will let you know the grand total as soon as all donations are collected.

Here are some photographs from the day!

Coffee and Chat Sessions

Please ensure you come along for our upcoming Coffee and Chat Sessions.

The sessions provide a great opportunity to chat with your child’s key worker, have a look at the learning taking place within the play rooms and catch up on what your child has been doing within the FC.

Next Dates are:

Tuesday 11th November with Miss Erskine for all our Balta and Lamba playroom children
Wednesday 12th November with Miss McAnally for all our Texa children.

Please come along.

Settling In

All returning children are now back with us and are settling back in to the nursery routine.

Our new children, for the most part joined us last week and they are being supported by staff on a daily basis as required to ensure quick and secure settling.

More new children are due to start over the coming weeks.

For all parents and carers – we ask that if you have any queries, comments or concerns about settling your child in to the Family Centre (or any other general queries) please come and ask.

Although you will quickly come to see the nursery is a very busy place we ALWAYS have time to speak to you.

Our door is always open!


School and



Rely on

Each other

Quick Reminder

Our Family Centre will be closed on Monday 11th and Tuesday 12th August for In-Service Training Days.

All children should return on Wednesday 13th August  at the appropriate time (remembering new opening hours!) i.e.

Early Wrap: 7.35am

Morning Session: 8.35am (not 8.45am as previous)

Afternoon Session: 12.45

Many Thanks.

If you are unsure about our new opening hours please contact the Family Centre on 0141 570 7615.

Isobel Mair Family Centre Graduation Celebration

Tonight we will host our 3rd annual Graduation Ceremony for all pre school children leaving to move on to Primary School come August.

You should have received your invitation by now but if not click below:

Graduation Invite

Please come along to the Family Centre door; the children will make their way to the Cara playroom and parents, family and friends will be escorted along to the MOD.

Some parent’s have asked how many family members are allowed to attend tonight. We have use of IMS MOD (gym hall) tonight therefore we are not required to place a limit on numbers attending.

We look forward to seeing you tonight and joining you in celebrating your child’s achievements.

Upcoming Events!

We have lots to come before the end of term:

Graduation Celebration Event: Wednesday 11th June from 6.30pm – 8pm

Dig Day: Tuesday 17th June – morning and afternoon – all invited

Miss Darroch’s Wedding Day! – Friday 20th June

Sports Day: Monday 23rd June – all invited

End of Term Parties: Tuesday 24th June – Am and PM

Early Closure 1pm: Wednesday 25th June

Playscheme begins: Thursday 24th June at 7.45am

We are also trying very hard to re-schedule trips for children in Cara playroom before the end of term. The trips had previously been planned for the week of our inspection and had to be postponed. We will let you know as soon as we have trips organised.

Thank you!

Bookbug Week

Bookbug Week has got off to a fantastic start!

Hugh Graham from Family Support Services stopped in on Monday and Tuesday to help us launch our Bookbug Sessions and what a launch it was. The children enjoyed the variety of songs, rhymes, games and the story during the session.

Thank you to all parent’s and carers who have stayed and particpated so far…..if you have not yet joined us for a Bookbug session; don’t worry! There is still plenty of time!

Wednesday: Baby Bookbug at 9am and 1pm led by Johanne March (CDO)

Thursday: Toddler Bookbug at 9am led by Donna Quaile (Depute Head) and 1pm led by Laura Darroch (PSA)

also on Thursday Donna will be leading literacy information sessions talking about Bookbug and the Hanen programme and sharing tips with parents.

We are also offering ‘Bookbug in the Home Sessions’ on Wedneday and Thursday…….the home session slots are filling up fast so if you would like us to visit and bring Bookbug to you – come and speak to us as soon as you can!