Category Archives: – help

Santa’s Little Helpers

Can you help out by becoming one of Santa’s Little Helpers?

We are looking for help with planning Christmas festivities i.e. discussion of gifts, purchase and wrapping!

If you can help, please stop into the office at 9am or 1pm on Wednesday 4th December.

If you are unable to make the chat on Wednesday, however would still like to help – let Mrs Quaile or Mrs Todd know.

Many Thanks.

IMS Harvest Service

Our morning children have been invited to attend Isobel Mair School’s Harvest Service at Newton Mearns Baptist Church on Thursday 3rd October at 10.30am. I am sure the children will very much enjoy being part of this community event.

Any donations of food items such as tins, packets or bottles would be most appreciated – please bring along and hand in to the office this week.

To assist our children in walking from the Family Centre to the Church, we would be most grateful for parental/carer help.

If you are free on the day from 10.15-11.45am, please speak to Donna Quaile or Joanne Todd who will add your name to the parent helper list.

Many Thanks!

Quick Stitches!

Our very first Quick Stitches Sewing Group took place last week. Staff and parent’s (well, there was one!) worked together to create an array of colourful sashes in preparation for our Graduation Celebration Ceremony which will take place on Thursday 13th June.

The second Quick Stitches Sewing Group is happening tomorrow (Tuesday 11th June) in the Family Centre during the afternoon. If you would like to pop along and join in, please don’t hesitate!