Category Archives: General Information

Upcoming Events!

We have lots to come before the end of term:

Graduation Celebration Event: Wednesday 11th June from 6.30pm – 8pm

Dig Day: Tuesday 17th June – morning and afternoon – all invited

Miss Darroch’s Wedding Day! – Friday 20th June

Sports Day: Monday 23rd June – all invited

End of Term Parties: Tuesday 24th June – Am and PM

Early Closure 1pm: Wednesday 25th June

Playscheme begins: Thursday 24th June at 7.45am

We are also trying very hard to re-schedule trips for children in Cara playroom before the end of term. The trips had previously been planned for the week of our inspection and had to be postponed. We will let you know as soon as we have trips organised.

Thank you!

Coffee and Chat

All parent’s and carers are cordially invited to our next coffee and chat session!

This session will be hosted by Miss. McNeill – keyworker of the yellow group on Wednesday moring at 9.15 and again in the afternoon at 1.30pm.

Miss. McNeill will be available to have a chat about ongoing nursery routines, care and learning and any other topic you may wish to discuss.

Our coffee and chat sessions provide an opportunity for parent’s to contribute their ideas, comments and suggestions and we value your input.

I do hope you are able to come along….you will be made most welcome.

CBeebies Needs You!


The lovely folk at CBeebies have been in touch with staff at IMS&FC to let us know they are planning to make a brand new series for CBeebies called My Pet and Me.

 The programme will focus on how a child cares for and interacts with their pet. With this in mind, staff at CBeebies are very interested in speaking to parents who, along with their child, may like to get involved in the programme. 

BBC are looking for confident, chatty and outgoing children aged 4 – 6 years who would like to take part.

The series will feature a variety of animals and CBeebies are interested to hear from families with all kinds of pets, whether that be dogs, cats, hamsters, reptiles or ponies!

 No animal too big, too small or too hairy!

 Would you like to find out more?

 Please email a little bit about your child and pet to: or call and leave a message on 0141 422 6428.


Registering your child at nursery

All children who are three and four years old are entitled to a free nursery place in East Renfrewshire and all other local authorities.

The place is either five mornings or five afternoons.

Morning and afternoon sessions are allocated by ballot and this allocation is made for two years. Morning and afternoon sessions are allocated in equal numbers to achieve a balance of pre-school and ante-pre school children.

You are encouraged to register your child for a place in a local authority establishment when they reach their second birthday.

You should apply now if your child will turn three or four years old between 1 March 2014 and 28 February 2015.

When your application is received, your child’s details will be held on file until places are allocated. For children who will be due to start nursery in session 2014/15, you will be informed about your child’s place by April 2014 provided the application is received no later than 28 February 2014. Please note, applications received after this date will be treated as being late and therefore your place will be allocated at a later date.

Full information on how to apply and application forms are available by calling 0141 577 3288 or you can e-mail

If you plan to send your son or daughter to a partner nursery, you will need to apply for a place in your chosen nursery by contacting them directly no later than 31 August 2014.