Category Archives: Early Learning and Childcare

Extended Play Day at Calderglen

Extended Play Day: Thursday 21st June

Reminder about our longest day of the year all together play day!

Plan for the Day!


Calderglen Country Park, come rain, hail or shine! We will be embracing this outdoor learning opportunity no matter the weather. This is an outdoor nursery day that you attend with your child. There will be no nursery session at IMFC on this day.


Staff will be at the park from 9:30am – 3pm. Please feel free to attend whatever times suits you. Some parent will be there all day and others have requested that they only attend for part of the day.

Please let Joanne or Donna know your intentions for the day.


Please note that everyone should meet us at the park. If you require any advise regarding travel arrangement please see Joanne or Donna.

Things to do

Zoo – small charge to access this please see website

Café, Play Park, Forest Adventures, Splashing IN the river (Please ensure you have a change of clothes), Parachute sessions


We would suggest everyone is prepared for all weathers as we all know we can have 4 seasons in one day! If anyone requires a full waterproof suit please speak to a member of staff and we can lend you one.

Please note the adult who is accompanying your child has to ensure that they are supervised at all times.

Website for more details:


The Show

The children decided they wanted to put on a show today.

Ayanna came and told us she needed facepaint as it would “make us all better actors”, so we had to oblige!

The children then discussed lots of ideas about how to plan for a perfect show. Emilia reflected on her personal experiences when she told everybody that lights are important saying “we really need the lights off,  then on when we go on the stage. They did that at Disney on Ice”.

Luca and Mehr were excited to use the home made microphones and Sebastian and Eesa were keen to be photographer and videographed.

The children developed lots of curricular skills during this self directed interdisciplinary play experience including listening, sharing ideas, taking turns, IT skills, performing, celebrating success, designing, solving problems and had so much fun at the same time.

Well done everybody.





Hungry Horse Visit

Here are some photo’s of the children on their Hungry Horse learning visit last week…….

The children have been highly involved in the planning process from start to end. The learning stemmed from the children’s interest in the Hungry Horse when construction was underway – children were very thoughtful about what was going to be built – was it a shop? Was it a Café? Was it a garage? No – it was the Hungry Horse!

Following the opening of the new restaurant, some children told us they had visited with their families. Other children who had not visited were also very interested to learn more. The children voted for a restaurant to be set up as a new role play area within the Cara playroom. They had to plan what would be needed in the restaurant and the area was designed using all their ideas – the children wanted a table and chairs, they needed proper china plates and glasses! They had to have a cash register and then a menu board was added.

The children have developed skills across various areas of the curriculum during this learning block. When planning they are learning to be responsible and reflective on what they know and what they want to find out. When writing down ideas they are developing their mark making skills, some children are forming letters or letter shapes and some children are sounding out words to then write.

At the cash desk the children are developing their skills in numeracy by matching, sorting and counting coins and notes and pressing the appropriate buttons on the register.

In addition to these skills, the children are working together, using their imagination and focusing on seeing tasks through to the end.

When out walking to Hungry Horse they were learning about road safety and keeping each other and themselves safe.

Amazing how one little spark of interest can create a HUGE experience of learning.

Let us know what you think – come and see the learning wall and add your comments 🙂




Early Learning and Childcare Consultation

As part of the consultation on the expansion of early learning and childcare in Scotland the Scottish Government wants to hear the views of parents and carers and is running a series of Ministerial engagement events with parents in December.

This includes an event in Glasgow at 6pm on Wednesday 7th December. Places for the event can be booked by clicking the link below –

The Scottish Government is also working with stakeholders to organise a series of smaller targeted engagement events across the country in December and January.

The consultation A Blueprint for 2020: The Expansion of Early Learning and Childcare in Scotland was launched on 15th October and runs until 9th January 2017.

More information on the consultation is available by visiting –

Eat Better Feel Better Programme

Donna has recently met with Katrina McFarlane, Health Improvement Practitioner to discuss the possibility of delivering a short course based around the development of practical food related skills with children and families.

Provisional arrangements have been made to bring in a community chef who will deliver a programme suitable for children young people and/or families to incorporate behaviour change strategies.

This is a great opportunity for parents who have children who are commonly classed as being ‘faddy eaters’ to come together, chat and share ideas about how to rebalance and regain control with healthier eating within the family.

Key areas of the short course include key healthy eating messages and recommendations, reading food labels, how to improve diet by reducing sugar, fat and salt intake, improving cooking methods and reducing convenience foods/choosing healthier options.

The 6 week programme will hopefully begin in January – a great healthy start to the New Year.  Please speak to Donna if you would like to note an interest in this group.

Healthier choices

October Week Extended Service Provision Early Learning and Childcare at IMFC

Isobel Mair Family Centre are opening their doors as usual over the October Week for our extended service provision of early learning and childcare.

If your child currently attends IMFC, paperwork can be collected from the front office – there will also be some paper copies on the information table in the foyer area.

If your child attends any other East Renfrewshire nursery, you are most welcome to apply for a place.

Click the following links to access the information letter and the booking form.



We look forward to welcoming you and your child to our extended service provision.

This information has also been sent to the following nursery schools/classes:


Calderwood lodge







Crookfur and
