Category Archives: Communication

Staff Change

Letters have been sent out to all parent’s to inform of a recent staff change.

Miss Linsay Thomson, key worker of the Red Group in Cara Playroom was recently interviewed for an extended contract as Child Development Officer in Isobel Mair School. Linsay was offered and has since accepted this post and will be leaving the Family Centre.

As from 15th August, Miss Melissa Donaghy (soon to be Mrs Frame) will take on the role of CDO in Cara and will become the new key worker to the Red Group.

We wish both Linsay and Melissa every success in their new posts.


It’s Feedback Friday!

We like to have regular feedback from children and families to ensure we are continually offering the very best service we can!

Please use our ‘Feedback Friday’ space to let us know about your child’s and your own week at Isobel Mair Family Centre. If you would rather let us know via Twitter – send a Tweet to @IsobelMairFC

Here are some of the comments from the children:

Ibraheem: “I had fun with my friends at Graduation and I liked the ice cream!”

Saoirse “The mud in the mud kitchen has all dried up because of the sun! I like the wet mud best!”

Hayley: “I was looking for fairies in the soft play with Emilia! We looked together, Emilia is my friend.”

Isla: “My favourite thing at nursery this week was coming to my Graduation. I wore my dress and we went on stage and we said ‘Thank You’ for our certificates.”

Aidan: “We went outside to get our photo taken and we stood at the old wise owl. He is clever and we are clever!”

Many Thanks!






Feedback Friday: Twitter @IsobelMairFC

It’s been a very busy week at IMFC as always! 

Let us know what your child’s favourite part of the week was at the FC and let us know what you are doing over the holiday weekend!

Tweet a picture to @IsobelMairFC and we will pop it on the SMART Board ‘big screen’ when children return on Wednesday!

Photographs are a great way to let us help coordinate what your child is learning with what is happening at the FC.

If your child has visited the beach, helped paint a fence, learned to ride a bike or gone on a family picnic – share your photos via Twitter and we can use them to prompt discussion at news time on Wednesday!

We have had 1839 Twitter impressions over the last 28 days and our Twitter followers are now at 126! Thank you for supporting our Twitter social media as a great, quick and simple way to exchange communications 🙂

Twitter Page link

Follow us and Tweet now!

New Child Development Officer – Miss Colette Graham

We are delighted to announce that following recent interviews for the vacant position of Child Development Officer, Miss Colette Graham – a well known face around the Family Centre – was the successful candidate and will now become the new key worker for the yellow group in Cara playroom.

Colette started her career at Isobel Mair Family Centre when she embarked on her training as a Modern Apprentice almost two years ago and we are delighted she has now secured a permanent position.

We wish Colette every success in her post.

Recent Communications

Our telephone and computers are now back in working order after having been offline since 15th December.

We would like to apologise for any voice mail messages we did not respond to; we have only been able to access messages from today (Wednesday 6th January).

In addition, we were unable to send any text message reminders and unable to send our usual email correspondence.

We hope this has not caused you too much inconvenience and apologise for any upset this may have caused you.

Please keep an eye on our website and follow us on Twitter to receive updates of information bringing you up to speed with what’s happening at IMFC!

News Bulletin

If you have asked for your name to be added to our Isobel Mair Family Centre mailing list you should be receiving email news bulletins. We hope you are enjoying reading news from the Family Centre and hope you feel well informed about activities events and general information.

If you would like to be added to our mailing list please send an email to Donna at: with SUBSCRIBE in the subject box.

Many Thanks