We like to have regular feedback from children and families to ensure we are continually offering the very best service we can!
Please use our ‘Feedback Friday’ space to let us know about your child’s and your own week at Isobel Mair Family Centre. If you would rather let us know via Twitter – send a Tweet to @IsobelMairFC
Here are some of the comments from the children:
Ibraheem: “I had fun with my friends at Graduation and I liked the ice cream!”
Saoirse “The mud in the mud kitchen has all dried up because of the sun! I like the wet mud best!”
Hayley: “I was looking for fairies in the soft play with Emilia! We looked together, Emilia is my friend.”
Isla: “My favourite thing at nursery this week was coming to my Graduation. I wore my dress and we went on stage and we said ‘Thank You’ for our certificates.”
Aidan: “We went outside to get our photo taken and we stood at the old wise owl. He is clever and we are clever!”
Many Thanks!