All posts by Nina

February Mid-Term Break


The Family Centre will be closed for In-service day on Friday 10th February.  Our Mid-Term Break is from Monday 13th to Wednesday 15th February inclusive (during this time we are open for Holiday Provision Paid Places for those that have pre-booked only).  Children return as normal on Thursday 16th February.

Have a lovely break!

Welcome Back


Welcome back to all our children and families.  We hope you all had a lovely Festive break and are looking forward to another busy term at Hazeldene!

Water Supply Closure


We apologise for the inconvenience caused by our closure this afternoon.  This was due to the buildings water supply being cut off.  We closed to comply with Care Inspectorate Regulations and for the welfare of children and staff.

Engineers have been working on the problem throughout the afternoon.  They will return to complete the job in the morning, therefore we hope to be open as normal on Wednesday 30th November 2016.  We will text you if this situation changes.

Apologies again for the inconvenience caused to you today.

Holiday Play Scheme Dec 16/Jan 17


Dec/Jan Play Scheme 2016/17 

Dec/Jan Play Scheme will be running at HAZELDENE FAMILY CENTRE on the dates and times highlighted below:-

Thurs 22nd December (9-4), Fri 23rd December (9-2), Wednesday 4th January 2017 (9-4)

The Family Centre is open between 0900 – 1600 (only until 2pm on Friday 23rd December) and parents may purchase as many sessions as they wish during the dates and times above.   The costs are as follows:-

Morning session                      9am to 12pm   £13.80

Lunch                                             12pm to 1pm   £4.60

Afternoon session                   1pm to 4pm     £13.80                                    (only up to 2pm on Friday 23rd December)

Please note: If you wish your child to stay until 2pm on Friday 23rd December, they may do so however the full afternoon session will be chargeable.

If you would like to book a place in the play scheme for your child please complete the booking form attached and return it to HAZELDENE FAMILY CENTRE.  Places are limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis.

The closing date for returning forms is Friday 2nd December. Due to the level of planning and organisation required, we will not be able to accept any late forms. 

PLEASE NOTE: All hours booked will be charged whether child attends or not. You will be billed via invoice from East Renfrewshire Council.




November Parent Support Meeting

We would like to invite you to our November Parent Support Meeting which will be held on Tuesday 15th November from 7pm to 8pm at Carlibar Primary School in Barrhead.

We have booked the family room.  This is also an opportunity for a coffee and chat and a chance to meet other parents and families.

Hope to see you there!

Mearns Castle Cluster Consultation


As part of Mearns Castle Cluster’s continual drive to improve the support we provide to parents and children in the early years, we are consulting parents/carers with children in Nursery and/or Primary 1 to gather information about what curriculum events you would find useful throughout your child’s experience in these stages. As a Cluster, we would like to plan workshops to support the families within our community who currently have children being educated in the Early Years.

In order to plan effectively, the Cluster Early Years Group would appreciate if you are able to give a few minutes of your time to complete a short survey. Information shared will be used to plan appropriate events for parents across the different establishments.  Please use the link below to access the survey. The survey will close on Sunday 20th November.

Thank You for your assistance.

Shawwood Greenspace Enhancement Project


East Renfrewshire Council are seeking your views on proposals to enhance the large area of greenspace nearby Shawwood Crescent, Newton Mearns.

The purpose is to implement modest environmental enhancements over a number of years that will benefit both the community and       bio diversity.

Please share your views on the plans by clicking on the link below and completing the short survey:

Thank You for your assistance with this.  Your views are important to us.


Mearns Castle Cluster Transitions Review


East Renfrewshire Council are conducting a review of Transitions within our Secondary, Primary and Pre-Five Establishments within the authority.  We would be most grateful if you could take the time to complete an on-line questionnaire in regard to this.  Questionnaires provide the authority and its schools with evidence to inform their self-evaluation processes.  We would like you to give us your views about the nursery.

The Education Department will give the nursery a summary of the results of all the questionnaires.  We will not give your name in any information shared with others.  However, we may use the information for statistical purposes.

The questions are likely to take you around 10 minutes to answer.  Your views can help improve the nursery.

The link to the survey is below:

Thank you for your assistance.