At Hazeldene Family Centre we ask parents to contribute to our nursery fund. The money raised from these contributions is used to buy some snacks; food for parties and special celebrations; Playdough ingredients and consumables for sensory play; resources to support child responsive planning and activities like baking, cooking and gardening. It also pays for any guests and specialists who we may invite to work with the children. The money may also be used to subsidise the cost of any planed excursions.
We collect 80p per session or you can pay a block in advance. Our preferred method of payment is ParentPay. Our Business Support Assistants will issue details of your ParentPay account and how much money is due each term. Please speak with staff in the office if you have not received log in details.
Accounts are kept for the Nursery Fund and are available for inspection at any time. They are subject to external audit each year. The Nursery Fund committee includes a parent representative.
To supplement the Nursery Fund, we hold several fundraising events throughout the year. The children make, grow and sell items as part of their financial education. We may have sponsored events.
Thank you for your support.
A sample of our lunch menu can be found here.