P6b Class Blog Friday 23rd March 2018

In writing we wrote a descriptive recount of a snow day. We focussed on our use of VCOP and describing the senses.

In maths the white group have been developing their skills in data handling. They have been going around the classes this week to collect data for their survey.  The orange group have been working with decimal numbers, adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing amongst other challenges.  The yellow group have been identifying numbers up to one million and multiplying and dividing numbers by 10/100/1000 etc.

In P.E with Mrs. McGreggor it was our last week of doing basketball with the pupils at Eastwood High School. With Mr. McMillan we worked on our tennis skills.  Particularly forehand and backhand and controlling the movement of the tennis ball.

In science we were continuing our taste test. Everyone had a turn of trying food whilst they held their nose as this made it harder to smell and therefore identify the food.  We learnt that our smell and taste works together.

In social studies we had our vote and the Peace Party and the Nation Party tied with the most votes. We also had a discussion about Devolved powers and what we think the Scottish government could do to improve their actions and support in these areas.  We also created our own questions about the Scottish Parliament and used these in a game board.

In French we were learning about sports/ hobbies. We played team games to learn our vocabulary.  We also had a visitor, Ben, from France who spoke to us about their traditions and culture.

In health we have been learning about substance misuse. Today we made a booklet using our notes and what we had learnt, to inform others of alcohol, smoking and drugs.

We have been working on inferring meaning from texts (inference skills). We had to infer meaning from the text to answer questions and describe the characters.


P6a 23.3.18

In PE, we went to Eastwood for the last time this session. We played basketball and were working on our shooting skills.

Ben, the French Assistant, came in this week to talk to us about France. We had a very interesting conversation about the lifestyle in France particularly cheese!

Today we had our election. We all made parties up and had to have a manifesto, logo, slogan and party name. We had to present to the class and then we voted.

Isa became a star in our election! He did a fantastic job speaking about his party’s views on the environment and saving birds.

Euler has been working on rounding to the nearest 10000, 100000 and 1000000 it’s getting easier.

Pythagoras has been working on finding percentages and fractions of amounts.

Turing have been working on converting grams and kilograms. They have also been working on multiplying by 10.

In Science, we did some topical science. We had three stations: we researched Stephan Hawking, we created posters about the discovery of penguins and we had to clean dirty water with some resources on the table. It was very messy and really fun trying to work out how we could do it!

The Magazines are really enjoying reading The Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe. Aslan has just come back to life!

This has been a great week!

P6b Class Blog Friday 16th March 2018

In maths the yellow group have started place value, working with numbers up to one million. The white group have been interpreting charts and graphs and are planning their own survey.  The orange group have been working with decimal numbers.

In Health and Wellbeing we have been learning about substance misuse. We have learnt about addictive substances, the dangers of alcohol, smoking and drugs and how they are portrayed in the media.

We had a K’nex challenge where we had to build a bridge to certain specifications. Ben and Oscar have been selected from our class to represent the school in a K’nex competition.


In P.E we did stations with Mr. McMillan as the stage has been up in the hall this week, we also played boccia. With the high school pupils we were developing our basketball skills.

In science we were doing blind-folded tasting. We had to guess what food we were tasting and describe how it tasted.

For Big Writing we wrote an imaginative story about walking into a scary house. We focussed on the five senses, how we would feel and VCOP.

In language today, we were learning about metaphors. We discussed what they are, why they are used, looked at some examples, matched up metaphors and translated metaphors.

16.3.18 P6a

In Health and Wellbeing we have been learning about drugs and the influence the media can have on people.

We have been learning about inference. It’s when you have to infer information from a text by using clues in the text; you need to read between the lines.

In Science we have been learning about our sense of touch. We have three layers in our skin, epidermis, dermis and fat.

P4b had their assembly today, it was amazing. They did it in French!

In maths, Turing has been learning how to convert kg to g, we have learned that there are 1000g in a kg.

Pythagoras has been learning how to convert percentages, fractions and decimals. We have also been learning how to find amounts of a number eg. 1/3 of 75. It’s getting easier!

Euler has been learning to read, write, order and say numbers to millions. We have been doing a lot of work on place value. It’s getting easier.

We found out who the murderer was in our murder mystery in maths. It was great fun trying to work out all of the clues!

We have been planning our new topic for after the Spring Break. It is going to be about natural disasters and we wanted to include drama skills in this topic too.

Friday 23rd February P6B Class Blog

We have been learning about Substance Misuse in Health and Wellbeing. We have been taking notes about alcohol, smoking and drugs and the effects that these substances have on the human body.

In maths, the yellow group have been calculating the area of right angles triangles using a formula. The orange group have been doing place value and working out the value of digits.  The white group have been learning about circles.  They have been using compasses to measure and draw circles of certain sizes.

In P.E we were developing badminton skills. We worked on playing backhand and forehand shots.  We practised our control skills and then had a competition.

With Mrs. McGreggor we went to Eastwood High School where we were split into groups and practised basketball skills. At the end we ran around the track twice.

In Social Studies we are learning about the Scottish Parliament and have been creating our own political parties. We had to create our own manifestos, party name, slogan and symbol.  We have been learning about how parliament is run, the history of the parliament and how laws are made.  We are going to the Parliament on Monday.

In science we have been learning about the nose. We had different stations where we had to smell different smells and learnt fun facts about the nose.



In P.E we have started doing the afternoon run because the sunny weather has come back. We are all very pumped and ready for spring.

In maths Pythagoras have started doing weight in maths with Mrs Zia. It’s so fun and we’re learning lots.

Euler have been working on Area and Perimeter and find it hard but fun.

Turing are moving on to weight, there learning about kg and grams

We also have been working on getting our John Muir Award. This week we have been learning about the Scottish outdoor access code.

In language Comics and Magazines have been working together with Miss Zia to identifying different book cover.

Today was p1c’s assembly it was all about friendship and sharing and it was based on friendship, they told us we can all be friends know matter how different we are. It was very cute

P6B Class Blog Friday 16th February 2018

Happy Chinese New Year! In class we were learning about Chinese New Year; how it is celebrated, traditions and the zodiac.  As it is the year of the dog we learnt how to make origami dogs and write our names in Chinese.

Today we wrote newspaper reports about the Winter Olympics. We looked at features of a newspaper report and gathered facts and relevant information about the Winter Olympics which we included in our reports.

In P.E this week we were developing our football skills with Mr. McMillan. We worked on developing our passing and dribbling skills.  The students from the high school took us over to their school on Thursday, they will be teaching us basketball skills for the next 6 weeks.

We had a qualifying tournament in our class in order to pick pupils who will represent the school at the council cross country event in Rouken Glen on Tuesday 27th February.  Alexander, Oscar, Millie and Mariyah will represent P6b.

In science we learnt more about the nose. We watched a video about the nose.  We then moved around stations where we had to identify the smells and guess what they were.  We had to describe what we though the smells were like.

The White group in maths have been continuing their work on BODMAS. The Orange group have been measuring angles up to 360 degrees using a protractor and the Yellow group have been working out the area and perimeter of compound shapes with missing/ unknown lengths.


We have a student teacher called Mrs Zia who is going to be working with us over the next few weeks.

Pythagoras started to work with Mrs Zia. We are learning to convert kg to g.

We had a timed mile race to see who we would put forward for the cross country race. We are very excited about it and we would all love to go!

In PE we went over to Eastwood and worked with the senior pupils who were teaching us different basketball skills. It was really good fun.

In Science we have been learning about our nose and tongue. We have started to learn about the structure and function of each. It was fun; it was interesting getting to do the smell experiment.

In writing we created a newspaper report about the Winter Olympics. We had to include who, what, where, when and why, have some quotes and a suitable headline.

We started to learn about the Scottish Parliament. It was very interesting; we learned that there were five main parties.

In Music we listened to different types of music. We had to close our eyes and write how we felt.

Friday 2nd February 2018 P6b Class Blog

This week we had our Scottish Open Afternoon. I’m sure you’ll agree, if you were there, that it was fantastic.  We learnt some Scottish songs; Caledonia, Donald Where’s Your Troosers, O’Flower of Scotland, Auld Lang Syne and Skyscraper Wean.  We learnt Geordie’s Mingin Medicine and performed this as a class.  Some pupils read poems by Robert Burns and some pupils read out their own poems about Scotland.  A group of pupils demonstrated two of the ceilidh dances we have been learning; Gay Gordons and Dashing White Sergeant.  Pupils also read out a description of their favourite place in Scotland.  The musicians from both classes performed a variety of Scottish songs on their instruments.  When the performance finished we went to the cafeteria with our parents and had some Scottish refreshments!

We are very excited to have a new pupil, Millie in our class who has joined us this week!

In maths, the yellow group have started area and perimeter. The white group have been learning about BODMAS.  The oranges have been learning about angles and how to measure using a protractor.

We wrote a newspaper report for Big Writing about our Scottish Open Afternoon.

In P.E with Mrs. McGreggor we have been developing our basketball skills; dribbling and passing.

2.2.18 P6a

In maths Euler are looking at perimeter and area. We have learned how to calculate the area using the formula A=l x b.

Turing have been working on different mental maths strategies. We are able to share our strategies with each other and are becoming more confident.

On Wednesday we had our Scottish Open Afternoon, it was lots of fun. We sang five songs, read poetry, shared our writing, Emily played the bagpipes, we heard our wonderful musicians and Ella showed us her highland dancing. We really enjoyed our show and it was nice to have our friends and family there.

The Comics started a new comprehension, it’s really fun! We can choose our text card and then use the answer cards to check our work. We have a tracking sheet so we can record our scores and how we are doing.

Newton was solving a murder mystery in maths. It was lots of fun; we had to solve five clues to work out who the murder was. We had to break lots of codes.


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