16.3.18 P6a

In Health and Wellbeing we have been learning about drugs and the influence the media can have on people.

We have been learning about inference. It’s when you have to infer information from a text by using clues in the text; you need to read between the lines.

In Science we have been learning about our sense of touch. We have three layers in our skin, epidermis, dermis and fat.

P4b had their assembly today, it was amazing. They did it in French!

In maths, Turing has been learning how to convert kg to g, we have learned that there are 1000g in a kg.

Pythagoras has been learning how to convert percentages, fractions and decimals. We have also been learning how to find amounts of a number eg. 1/3 of 75. It’s getting easier!

Euler has been learning to read, write, order and say numbers to millions. We have been doing a lot of work on place value. It’s getting easier.

We found out who the murderer was in our murder mystery in maths. It was great fun trying to work out all of the clues!

We have been planning our new topic for after the Spring Break. It is going to be about natural disasters and we wanted to include drama skills in this topic too.