P6b Class Blog Friday 16th March 2018

In maths the yellow group have started place value, working with numbers up to one million. The white group have been interpreting charts and graphs and are planning their own survey.  The orange group have been working with decimal numbers.

In Health and Wellbeing we have been learning about substance misuse. We have learnt about addictive substances, the dangers of alcohol, smoking and drugs and how they are portrayed in the media.

We had a K’nex challenge where we had to build a bridge to certain specifications. Ben and Oscar have been selected from our class to represent the school in a K’nex competition.


In P.E we did stations with Mr. McMillan as the stage has been up in the hall this week, we also played boccia. With the high school pupils we were developing our basketball skills.

In science we were doing blind-folded tasting. We had to guess what food we were tasting and describe how it tasted.

For Big Writing we wrote an imaginative story about walking into a scary house. We focussed on the five senses, how we would feel and VCOP.

In language today, we were learning about metaphors. We discussed what they are, why they are used, looked at some examples, matched up metaphors and translated metaphors.