Severe Weather
During severe cold winter weather, schools and services can be affected for a variety of reasons, e.g.:
- the access roads are not treated as they are not on a priority or severe weather route ;
- pupils are unable to reach school safely;
- school buses stop operating and public transport is severely disrupted;
- problems with the heating and/or water supply;
- access routes around the establishment are considered hazardous or are blocked by snow and ice
Janitors keep adequate stocks of salt and gritting material and as soon as treacherous conditions develop, gritting and/or salt scattering is carried out to provide a direct pathway to the school.
In Crookfur, Mr Weir will ensure that the pedestrian access route from the Eastwood crossing to School entrance will be cleared to provide direct access. This may mean that the route used by parents and pupils from the Patterton side of the school will not be available during a period of severe weather.
Emergency School Closures
In the event of severe weather conditions, Head Teachers are guided by the Education Department’s Standard Circular 10b. Following an assessment of the situation, in consultation with relevant staff in the Education Department, a decision will be made on whether or not to close the school. If an emergency closure of the school is to be carried out, the following procedures will take place:
- We will send a text and e-mail to the main contact on your child’s record.
- We will put information on the school’s website about the arrangements for the closure. There will also be up to date information on ERC’s X (Twitter) page and the school X (Twitter) feed. It is really important that in any severe weather, parents and carers make every effort to regularly monitor the ERC and school websites. These websites will be regularly updated with any important information.
- At this point we will start to evacuate the school.
- Parents who arrive at the school will be greeted at the main entrance by a member of staff who will then arrange for the child/children to join them and be taken home.
- If we have not heard from parents/carers of remaining children, we will attempt to contact other emergency contacts on their record.
In very extreme circumstances, some pupils may not be able to get home and may have to remain in school beyond the school day. This situation will be discussed with parents and, with support of senior school staff and the Education Department; pupils will be accommodated in school until arrangements are put in place for their safe transport home.
When the school has been safely closed, we will liaise with the Education Department on subsequent arrangements. At the earliest opportunity, we will then carry out an assessment of the conditions for re-opening the school. Arrangements for re-opening the school will be communicated to parents via the school’s website and other local media.
Hopefully we will not need to put these arrangements in place. However, we trust you will find the information helpful and I ask that you ensure your child/children know what arrangements you have made in the event of school closure.