Engineering the Future for Girls (S3 Girls Only)

All S3 girls are invited to apply for Strathclyde University’s – Engineering the Future for Girls STEM event.

The program is a three day event, held in June 2021 and involves BAM Nuttall, BP and  Strathclyde University. Students will be involved in a online engineering events and webinars.

To Apply

To apply, students should send an email to see Mr Boag ( in the first instance. Students should be aware that applications must be submitted, online, no later than Monday, 15th March 2021.

In addition, as part of the application process, students are required to nominate a teacher who will be required to submit a supporting statement. Students should nominate Mr Boag as their supporter and use the email address noted above.

For more information, download Engineering the future for girls flyer 2021 or visit Strathclyde University’s website.